TUP Printers Lens

From family photos and tickets to recipes and work-related spreadsheets and presentations, printers are a mainstay in homes, home offices, as well as employees of companies large and small.

This lens details printers, printer activities, brands, printer features, supplies, and upcoming purchase plans.

Summary of subjects covered in the Printers lens tables

SubjectsExamples of TUP Questions Answered
PrintersHow many printers are in active use
Printer #1, Printer #2Brand, type, features, and other details of the primary and secondary printer
Supplies, ink, tonerType of ink refills, volume of printing and ink use
Printer #1 ActivitiesActivities regularly done using a primary printer, from photos to recipes and presentations
OutletsPurchase channels for major technology and for home and work products
Purchasing PlansIntentions to purchase specific technology product types in the coming 12 months

Links to Printers lens tables

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Recent findings from the TUP Printers lens

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This content is for subscribers only.  For more information about TUP and its research results for insights professionals with technology companies, please visit MetaFacts or contact us

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