Need to understand today’s technology markets — who’s using the hottest new products, and the old standbys?
Want the real data, not speculations, on what technology users are buying, which users are using which technologies, what other products they use, and how they are using the products?
Then you need Technology User Profile from MetaFacts.
TUP/Technology User Profile showcases the complete value of the research. Included in each wave are the answers to hundreds of pivotal questions, all gathered from a representative sample and projected to the entire market. These results are delivered in many forms to fit your needs: analytical highlights & graphs, tables, datasets, reports, and online analysis tools.
TUP/Technology User Profile has been conducted continuously since 1983, so a wealth of in-depth trending information is available. Previous editions and datasets are available for true in-depth trend comparison with market segments.
In TUP/Technology User Profile, you’ll find details on buying habits, usage and plans in a variety of categories, and drill down to the key information you need to answer questions such as the following:
- Market size: What is the size of the market? What is the size of the installed base, in total as well as within specific segments?
- Market opportunities: What are the opportunities in the market? Which segments are under-penetrated and which are saturated or well-served?
- Demographic landscape: What is the demographic landscape, both for key segments and specific target markets?
- Activities: How do customers use technology products and services? Which types of users use which devices do which activities?
TUP/Technology User Profile is a ready resource so you have solid information at your fingertips when urgent ad-hoc needs arise and you don’t want to have to undertake a lengthy search or expensive study.
TUP/Technology User Profile can help you answer specific questions that you need when sizing and profiling your market.
Each TUP/Technology User Profile wave contains analysis derived from the TUP/Technology User Profile study, covering the complete spectrum of technology users, including knowledge workers, salespeople, factory workers, retirees, the self-employed, and the unemployed. TUP/Technology User Profile surveys a large representative sample of thousands of respondents on their habits and plans for use of PCs, the Internet, printers, software, and other high technology devices, both at home and in the workplace.
Rely on the benefits of TUP/Technology User Profile:
- Each fact is based on the tested, proven TUP/Technology User Profile sample of thousands of respondents
- Be assured that the data is based on a solid sampling and weighting methodology, and the results are a true indicator of the total market segment being measured
- Have confidence knowing you can build your business on the research history and expertise of MetaFacts
Contact MetaFacts by telephone on 1-760-635-4300 or through an MetaFacts deliverables for details on TUP/Technology User Profile.