TUP Work/Life Balance Lens

Well before COVID, digital nomads pioneered working remotely. Now many technology users are finding ways to balance getting work done with their personal lives.

Events starting in the year 2020 have made more clear what has been happening for more than a decade – the digital transformation of work. An ever-widening range of occupations have grown to support remote working. The early adopters of remote work have included two contrasting ends of a continuum – employer-lead innovations and employee-enabled adoption. Employers and employees alike have increasingly intermixed their work and personal activities, and enacted ways to use their connected devices for work and play.

Consumers and employees have choices, and are increasingly juggling multiple devices. While some market segments use their various devices for a broad and rich combination of activities, others prefer to do certain activities only one one type of device. Furthermore, many connected adults use personal devices for work-related activities and vice-versa.

Summary of subjects covered in the Work/Life Balance lens tables

SubjectsExamples of TUP Questions Answered
Respondent DemographicsGender, Age, Educational attainment, Employment status
Household DemographicsHousehold size, Household income, Presence of children
Work from HomeWorking from home only – before or after February 2020
Social NetworksWhich social networks were visited in the prior 30 days
ActivitiesActivities regularly used on connected devices, including social networking, shopping, communication, entertainment, imaging, information/search, cloud storage/sharing, productivity/personal
Device ActivitiesThe activities across all devices as well as by each device number

Links to Work/Life Balance lens tables

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Recent findings from the TUP Work/Life Balance lens

For more information about TUP, please contact MetaFacts.

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