Working from home – size of segments

Working from home is wholly new to some people, old hat to others, and not experienced by yet others. Seasoned workers – those who ever worked from home before the pandemic and do so now – make up the largest segment of online adults. The second-largest group is diametrically opposed – having never worked from home and not currently doing so. This MetaFAQs reports on the size of four segments by their prior and current experience of working from home.

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Demographics profile of smartphone users [MetaFAQs]

While smartphone adoption has grown to dominance, market penetration has not been equal across all demographic groups. This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration of active smartphone use by employment status, age group, and work-from-home status for the US and globally (US, Germany, UK, Japan, China-upper-educated).

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Personal devices get the work done [MetaFAQs]

Employees use personally owned home PCs for work. Well before the pandemic, this has been a widespread practice. This MetaFAQs reports on the work-related activities done with home PCs among employees that work from home and those that do not. It also compares home PC activities from the 1987 wave of TUP.

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Shifts in Apple and Windows penetration among Americans [MetaFAQs]

Apple’s PC/Mac penetration has grown while Windows has shrunk. Globally, iPhone penetration has grown as Androids have subsided – both have been stable among online Americans. Globally, iPad penetration has withdrawn as have non-Apple tablets.

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Working from home mutates to double hybrid [TUPdate]

Worldwide, 15% of employed or self-employed online adults are working from home always or the majority of the time, versus 32% in the US. Worldwide, this rate is lower than one year earlier and in the US is effectively the same.

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Smartphones still coexist with feature phones [MetaFAQs]

The growing market penetration of smartphones has been sustained and strong, and yet has not fully replaced the use of basic feature phones. This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration of both smartphones and basic feature phones among online adults in the US, Germany, UK, Japan, and among China’s most highly educated adults.

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Usage hours rise and subside slightly [MetaFAQs]

Globally, smartphone hours increased in 2020 and returned to prior levels in 2021. In the US, average weekly hours subsided with PCs while slightly increasing with smartphones and tablets.

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Dominant tech device brands [MetaFAQs]

Apple dominates most users around the world and especially in the US. However, its expansion has flattened while computer leaders Dell and HP have had their market penetration contract. Number two Samsung, having experienced modest gains in the first year of the pandemic, has since declined in part due to withering user demand, supply chain issues, and competitive pressures.
This TUPdate reports on the percentage of online Americans who are using at least one of a market leader’s products: Apple, Samsung, Dell, HP, Sony, Lenovo, Acer, ASUS, and Huawei.

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