Early generations cling to Android tablets

The tablet market has been dominated by Apple’s iPads and a hodgepodge of Google Android tablets. There is a strong positive association between a user’s smartphone operating system and that of their tablets. Google Android tablets have their strongest share among German adults, especially those in earlier generations. Gen Z adults seem to have little appetite for Google Android tablets, even within Germany.

This MetaFAQ reports on the percentage of adult tablet users using a Google Android tablet, split by country and age generation. Report [TUP_doc_2024_0108_andt] in TUP Lenses: Tablets

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Android tablets are strongest among younger adults even as iPads lead

Apple iPads dominate the market for tablets, with a higher penetration than Android tablets among online adults around the world. Among millennials and Gen Xers, however, Android tablets have their strongest foothold, especially in the US. Among online Germans, Android tablet users outnumber iPad users among millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers, and the reverse is true among Gen Z adults.

This MetaFAQs reports on the number and percentage of online tablet users by operating system family, country, and age generation in the US, UK, Germany, Japan, and China. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1103_andp] in TUP Lenses: Tablets

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Windows and Apple computers decline in use while iPhone and Androids battle

Online adults around the world have continued to use fewer devices than in the past. Computers have been declining in use both in numbers and overall market penetration. Windows PCs have continued their trend of being used by fewer adults, as smartphones grow in their breadth of usage. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults using Windows PCs, Apple Macs, Apple iPhones, Android smartphones, Apple iPads, Android tablets, and Windows tablets.

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Tablets – Highlights

Tablets continue to seek a solid home, major use cases, and most vital segments. Currently, the largest groups of users are passive, older, or entrenched in the Apple or Google ecosystem. While Apple continues to lead and increase its share, other makers like Samsung are seeing withering penetration. Incidental and passive activities from web browsing, shopping, movie-watching, and checking email haven’t been unique enough on tablets to entice users away from their smartphones or computers.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: the profile of tablet users, trends in tablets, top tablet brands, top tablet activities, unique tablet activities, and trends in technology ecosystems.

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Key ecosystems penetration [MetaFAQs]

The market penetration of Windows OS, Apple OS, and Google OS devices varies considerably by country. This MetaFAQs reports on each OS ecosystem’s active market penetration and splits out American users by age group.

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