Fading viral boost to feature phones stalls smartphone sovereignty

Smartphones have nearly reached their market saturation point. Responses to the pandemic and economy boosted the use of feature phones above their long-trending decline. This MetaFacts reports on the penetration rate of smartphones and feature phones among online adults in the US, Germany, UK, Germany, and China. It also details the overlap of smartphone and feature phone use.

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Profile of Americans who bought a home PC during the pandemic

The pandemic brought with it a lot of changes to how Americans live and work. Many had to adjust to working from home for the first time, and this often meant a new need for tech—especially home PCs. 56.4 million Americans—26% of all online American adults—bought a home PC during the pandemic. This MetaFAQs profiles those who bought a home PC during the pandemic by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age and gender; employment status; presence of children; household size; life stage (age, employment status, presence of children); number of home PCs; work from home status (current, expected, and before the pandemic); and
brand of home PC. Report [TUP_doc_2022_0506_pand] in TUP Lenses: Work/Life Balance, PCs.

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