Windows, Apple, and Google (Android, Chromebook) are each stronger or weaker by form factor and country. This MetaFAQs reports on the share of each OS ecosystem by country and within the US, by age group.
Profile of home PC users by brand
The major PC makers have attracted very different sets of customers, with some brands being used primarily by younger people and others more like someone’s father’s brand. This MetaFAQs report profiles the users of home PCs by brand and age group, showing the percentage of users in the US as well as collectively across the US, UK, Germany, and Japan.
Key ecosystems penetration [MetaFAQs]
The market penetration of Windows OS, Apple OS, and Google OS devices varies considerably by country. This MetaFAQs reports on each OS ecosystem’s active market penetration and splits out American users by age group.
Profile of Apple’s active base
Apple’s customers with many Apple OS devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs) have a higher than average socioeconomic profile and use of connected devices.
All-in-one desktop PCs by country [MetaFAQs]
Sometimes having “it all” is not indicative of popularity. This MetaFAQs considers: Are desktop AiOs (All-in-One desktop PCs) being widely used? Who is the installed base share leader among leading brands Apple, HP, Dell, Lenovo, and Fujitsu?
This MetaFAQs details the percentage of adults using any of the major brands of AiOs (All-in-One desktop PCs) in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan in 2020.