Platforms for employees using professional creative software for work purposes

Employees have a wide range of devices they regularly use for many work-related activities. Professional creative software is often the most demanding. However, the response to the pandemic has led to many employees working from home and using different devices than they typically use.

This MetaFAQs reports on the number of US, Germany, UK, and Japanese employees who regularly use professional creative software. It details how many use it on their primary computer, home computer, work computer, smartphone, or tablet.

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Home printer activities by home printing segment

Home printers are a regular part of life for three-quarters of online adults in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan. This MetaFAQs uses home printer activities to segment home printer users into five groups, from those focused on home economics or sharing with others to others working from home. Further, it details the size of each segment for each country surveyed.

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Highlights: Printers

Who’s printing—and what are they printing? TUP Highlights include a broad and deep dive into an essential technology usage topic.
This highlights report focuses on printers, including: top printer brands, purchase plans for printers, top printing activities, profile of intensive printer users, ink use, trends in printing, major activities for a market segment, top printer form factors, and profile of printer user by activity. The research results showcase the TUP/Technology User Profile study, MetaFacts’ survey of a representative sample of online adults profiling the full market’s use of technology products and services during the wave of TUP/Technology User Profile 2021, which is TUP’s 39th annual. TUP Highlights typically also include results from previous waves of TUP.

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Home printing trends – US 2019 [TUPdate]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 7, 2019


Printing at home has changed in recent years. Printer manufacturers continue to innovate to compete and encourage broad active printer use.

This TUPdate looks at the major trends in home printing in the US and examines how users have changed in both what they print and their volume of printing. Also, it examines printing trends concerning the broadened use of mobile devices. Further, it looks into whether younger adults print more or less than older ones and whether the presence of children makes a difference.

The source for this analysis is MetaFacts TUP/Technology User Profile, with results from waves 2015 through 2019, all based on surveys of from 7,326 to 8,060 online adults in the US.

Home printer penetration

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