Tablets – Highlights

Tablets continue to seek a solid home, major use cases, and most vital segments. Currently, the largest groups of users are passive, older, or entrenched in the Apple or Google ecosystem. While Apple continues to lead and increase its share, other makers like Samsung are seeing withering penetration. Incidental and passive activities from web browsing, shopping, movie-watching, and checking email haven’t been unique enough on tablets to entice users away from their smartphones or computers.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: the profile of tablet users, trends in tablets, top tablet brands, top tablet activities, unique tablet activities, and trends in technology ecosystems.

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How Americans use devices in technology ecosystems

Technology ecosystems can be called truly unique when users actively use them differently than others. This TUP analysis reviews the activities American adults regularly do with their smartphones, computers, and tablets. It reports on the top 10 activities that are the most unique by ecosystem family – Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS; iOS and Android; and iPadOS and Android. Unique activities are defined as those with the widest range of use, where the difference is widest between the usage percentage between each given operating system family.

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Top activities across platforms [TUPdate]

There are certain activities that transcend form factors, such that they are popular with every type. This TUPdate identifies regular activities that are high on the list for smartphones, PCs, and tablets, those popular on two of the three, or unique to one type.

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Activities for PCs versus smartphones

Users with a choice of devices choose home PCs over smartphones more often for certain entertainment and shopping activities. Conversely, users choose smartphones over home PCs for other activities such as listening to paid streaming music. This MetaFAQs reports on which activities out of over 80 activities are done with smartphones, home PCs, or game consoles versus any of the other types of devices.

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News, sports, and weather-for all ages, not all devices [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 5, 2020 Some information such as news, sports, and weather are most useful when they’re current and easily available. There are many ways to get this information across smartphones, PCs, or tablets. Some users are more actively intent on tapping into this information, and different age groups prefer different…

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