Game playing is widespread, although platform choices vary by generation

Playing games on an active, if casual, basis continues to be widespread, even as the choice of platforms is shifting. The worldwide and American trend away from regular PC use is affecting game playing and entertainment as much as productivity and creative activities. This year marks the first time that more American game players use a game console than a home PC.

This MetaFAQs reports on the number and percentage of online adults who regularly play immersive/action or other games using connected devices: a game console, home PC, gaming PC, primary PC, or smartphone. American adults are detailed by age generation and life phase: comprised of generation with educational and employment status. Report [TUP_doc_2024_0124_gami] in TUP Lenses: Activities, Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing

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Microsoft CoPilot – generative AI as an enterprise Office 365 service for creatives

Microsoft announced an upcoming service for its Microsoft 365 service that integrates the user’s data using generative AI. Called Microsoft CoPilot, the service will first be offered to enterprises. This TUPdate measures the potential market of those most likely to adopt and benefit from the service.

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Smartphones achieve usage primacy

Smartphone primacy over personal computers has been reached, as activities from entertainment to productivity are more widely used. Productivity and collaboration activities were the most recent to reach the broadest usage. This MetaFAQs reports on the trend in the primacy of smartphones as compared to computers across eight classes of activities: entertainment, communication, social networking, graphics, entertainment, productivity, information, and cloud. It reports on the primary device type for each class of activity for 2019 through 2022 among adult users in the US and globally: the US, Germany, the UK, Japan, and China.

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