Employers lag in home computer provisioning

More workers use a home computer for work than use an employer-provided computer. With the onset of the pandemic, employees and employers alike suddenly scrambled for ways to get their work done. For many employees, especially knowledge workers, having access to a computer is vital. However, not all employers have supported remote workers by providing a computer, and instead have relied on employees using their home computers. Currently, in all countries surveyed except for the UK, more workers use a home PC for work-related activities than use a work computer.

This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of remote workers and non-remote workers who use a home computer for work-related activities or use an employer-provided PC, across the US, Germany, UK, Japan, and China. Report [TUP_doc_2024_0129_hwpc] in TUP Lenses: PCs; Activities; Work/Life Balance

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Work/Life Balance TUP Lens [Highlights]

With the pandemic, many more employees are working from home. This TUP Highlights Report profiles employees by how often they work from home and their expectations of the near future. It profiles them demographically, by their type of employer, their connected devices, and their work-related activities.

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Tablets – Highlights

Tablets continue to seek a solid home, major use cases, and most vital segments. Currently, the largest groups of users are passive, older, or entrenched in the Apple or Google ecosystem. While Apple continues to lead and increase its share, other makers like Samsung are seeing withering penetration. Incidental and passive activities from web browsing, shopping, movie-watching, and checking email haven’t been unique enough on tablets to entice users away from their smartphones or computers.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: the profile of tablet users, trends in tablets, top tablet brands, top tablet activities, unique tablet activities, and trends in technology ecosystems.

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Platforms for employees using professional creative software for work purposes

Employees have a wide range of devices they regularly use for many work-related activities. Professional creative software is often the most demanding. However, the response to the pandemic has led to many employees working from home and using different devices than they typically use.

This MetaFAQs reports on the number of US, Germany, UK, and Japanese employees who regularly use professional creative software. It details how many use it on their primary computer, home computer, work computer, smartphone, or tablet.

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Devices used for work email

Work-related email continues to be part of most employees’ lives, on top of their other communication tools such as Zoom, Slack, or Teams. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of employees regularly using their connected devices for work email, detailing each device type used – smartphone, home PC, work PC, or tablet – by the size of their employer: <20 employees, 20-499 employees, or 500+ employees.

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Devices used for work phone calls

Employees have more ways than ever before to communicate with each other and with customers – email, text, and platforms like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams. However, work-related voice phone calls remain a solid staple among the majority of employees. Nearly 60% of American and almost half of Japanese employees regularly use one of their connected devices to make or receive work-related phone calls. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of employees regularly using their connected devices for work-related phone calls, detailing each device type used – smartphone, home PC, work PC, or tablet – by the size of their employer: <20 employees, 20-499 employees, or 500+ employees.

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Devices used for work video meetings

Work-related video conferences had been growing in use even before the pandemic. Platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Webex solidified their prominence, even while employees have many other ways to communicate – email, text, and collaboration platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams. Nearly between 33% and 43% of employees in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan regularly use one of their connected devices to participate in work-related video group meetings. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of employees regularly using their connected devices for work-related video group meetings, detailing each device type used – smartphone, home PC, work PC, or tablet – by the size of their employer: <20 employees, 20-499 employees, or 500+ employees.

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Devices used for work video calls

Work-related video calls had been growing in use even before the pandemic. Platforms such as Apple Facetime, and video calling services within Microsoft Teams and Zoom helped them come into regular use, even while employees have many other ways to communicate – email, text, and collaboration platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams. Nearly between 30% and 46% of employees in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan regularly use one of their connected devices to make or receive work-related video calls. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of employees regularly using their connected devices for work-related video calls, detailing each device type used – smartphone, home PC, work PC, or tablet – by the size of their employer – <20 employees, 20-499 employees, or 500+ employees.

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