Youthful clamor for smartwatches

Younger adults around the world are showing stronger forward interest in smartwatches than older adults. In the US, Apple Watch leads most strongly among younger than older adults. This MetaFAQs reports on the purchase plans within the coming year for smartwatches, as well as intentions detailed by Apple Watch, Android smartwatches, other smartwatches, and fitness trackers among online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan.

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Which is winning consumer interest – iPhone or Android smartphones?

Forward-looking interest is stronger for Apple iPhones than for Android smartphones across most countries surveyed. Apple is strongest among younger adults and adults of all ages currently working from home. This MetaFAQs reports the smartphone purchase plans for the next 12 months among online adults in the US, Germany, UK, Japan, and China.

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Profile of Americans using smart home security/climate/lighting

The Internet of Things (IoT) has promised for decades to herald a fully-connected and well-managed world. Americans, however, have not fully embraced the inherent possibilities and have instead been stymied by shifting standards and complexity. Current market penetration is just barely under one in four online American adults. This MetaFAQs profiles American smart home control users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, life stage, number of home PCs used, and mix of technology ecosystems.

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Profile of Americans actively using a Google assistant

Active use of voice assistants is relatively low among Americans, despite being supported by many smart devices. Less than six (15%) American online adults regularly use Google Assistant. The highest concentration of these users is middle-aged male parents.

This MetaFAQs profiles American users of Google Assistant by their demographics, including age, gender, employment status, presence of children, and life stage. It also details the number of computers regularly used and the mixture of technology ecosystems.

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