Notebooks midmost in mobility [TUPdate]

Notebook Penetration – Now in the Middle of Mobility Notebooks have continued their long march into widespread use, fueled by the desire to get things done regardless of location. The years-long drive towards mobility continues. However, users have shown that notebooks are not their only choice to support their mobility fix. Even while notebooks have…

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Industry notebooks – Windows dominate, MacBooks solid #2, few Chromebooks [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 10, 2020 Where do Chromebooks and MacBooks stand in the workplace? How far have they made inroads? Do Windows notebooks dominate in every industry? How does this vary by the employee’s vertical market? This MetaFAQs reports on the active use of a Windows notebook, Apple MacBook, or a Chromebook…

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