Top activities across platforms [TUPdate]

There are certain activities that transcend form factors, such that they are popular with every type. This TUPdate identifies regular activities that are high on the list for smartphones, PCs, and tablets, those popular on two of the three, or unique to one type.

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News, sports, and weather-for all ages, not all devices [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 5, 2020 Some information such as news, sports, and weather are most useful when they’re current and easily available. There are many ways to get this information across smartphones, PCs, or tablets. Some users are more actively intent on tapping into this information, and different age groups prefer different…

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Device jugglers stretch certain multi-platform activities [TUPdate]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, February 16, 2019

Consider the device juggler – emailing with a PC, then a smartphone, and then with a tablet or different PC. Do they seem more talented or rare than most of us? Our research shows they are not that unique. Ninety-six percent of those with 2 or more connected devices do at least one type of personal activity across multiple devices. However, the range of multi-platform activities is so broad and unique to the individual user that no single type of activity is cross-platform for the majority. This defines the demand for smoother user experiences.

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