Employees and employers have made some of the most substantial changes since the pandemic, with many quickly shifting to working from home. The most significant expansion has been in hybrid working arrangements, unlikely to change within a year. This MetaFAQs reports on online employees, their frequency of working from home before the pandemic, and their expectations in a year.
Work/Life Balance TUP Lens [Highlights]
With the pandemic, many more employees are working from home. This TUP Highlights Report profiles employees by how often they work from home and their expectations of the near future. It profiles them demographically, by their type of employer, their connected devices, and their work-related activities.
Highlights: Mobile Phones
This TUP Highlights Report profiles smartphones – their market penetration, user demographic profile, their regular activities, usage profile, key competitors, and purchase plans.
Profile of Americans expecting to be working from home in one year
The COVID pandemic continues to change many lives, including those working from home as never before. As employers are adapting to shifting conditions, some have brought employees back to the workplace while others are still adapting. This MetaFAQs reports on the expectations by employees about whether or not they expect to be working from home in one year. The brief report is based on 2,681 employed Americans who are currently working from home at least occasionally, profiling them by their age and gender, employment status, educational attainment, and other characteristics.
Mobile Phones TUP Lens
Smartphones have rapidly, although not completely, replaced feature phones. Smartphone users have expanded their range of activities with new uses while also increasingly migrating activities from computers and tablets. This TUP Highlights Report profiles smartphones – their market penetration, user demographic profile, regular activities, usage profile, key competitors, and purchase plans.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: penetration of smartphones versus feature phones, smartphone brand share, top activities for smartphones, smartphone carrier share, smartphone usage profile, trends in technology ecosystems, major activities for a market segment, and the profile of smartphone users.
Great expectations – of still working from home [MetaFAQs]
Employees expect to return to pre-pandemic levels. In one year (in August 2022), 13% of employees globally expect to be working from home always or the majority of the time. Among American employees, this share is 25%. In one year (in August 2022), 70% of employees globally expect to be working from home at least occasionally. Among American employees, this share is nearer to two-thirds (63%).
iPhone and Android smartphone purchase plans [TUPdate]
Fifty percent more online Americans plan to buy an iPhone than an Android smartphone.
Working from home – size of segments
Working from home is wholly new to some people, old hat to others, and not experienced by yet others. Seasoned workers – those who ever worked from home before the pandemic and do so now – make up the largest segment of online adults. The second-largest group is diametrically opposed – having never worked from home and not currently doing so. This MetaFAQs reports on the size of four segments by their prior and current experience of working from home.
Personal devices get the work done [MetaFAQs]
Employees use personally owned home PCs for work. Well before the pandemic, this has been a widespread practice. This MetaFAQs reports on the work-related activities done with home PCs among employees that work from home and those that do not. It also compares home PC activities from the 1987 wave of TUP.
Working from home mutates to double hybrid [TUPdate]
Worldwide, 15% of employed or self-employed online adults are working from home always or the majority of the time, versus 32% in the US. Worldwide, this rate is lower than one year earlier and in the US is effectively the same.