Online adults have increasingly relied on a range of connected devices to stay in touch, expanding well beyond voice calls on landline phones to voice, text, chat, and video meetings. Microsoft has been involved in part with its Skype services which have evolved over time to encompass more than voice. However, most of Skype’s growth occurred before Microsoft acquired it, and since then the service has morphed into several offerings, resulting in current plans to migrate Skype users into their Microsoft Teams service.
Skype has managed to maintain a moderately sized base despite the ubiquitous rise of the smartphone, essentially free calls, and an explosion of messaging apps.
This one-time TUP data cut profiles active users of Skype, Microsoft Teams, both services, and neither. Along with user demographics and details about how they use their technology, these statistics reveal how Skype users differ from the general online public, although with their market size in millions of adults in the US, Germany, the UK, and Japan.
The TUP data cut features a set of standardized cross-tabulations from TUP/Technology User Profile 2024 in Excel format.