Most Americans regularly use more than one connected device – smartphones, feature phones, PCs, tablets, and game consoles. This MetaFAQs reports on the online adult’s primary device – the one they use more often than other devices – comparing adults by their age group.
Paid streaming music listening among socioeconomic groups
Listening to paid streaming music grew markedly among Americans, rising from 29% of online Americans in 2019 prior to the pandemic and reaching 36% in 2021. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of Americans regularly using their connected devices for paid streaming music by socioeconomic group. The groups being reported consider age group, employment status, household size, ethnicity, presence of children, educational attainment, and other socioeconomic factors.
Technology use among American IT employees
Do American IT employees lead the way in technology, at least with the tech products and services they use? This TUPdate reports on this socioeconomically and technologically advantaged group, contrasting them with the disadvantaged. The TUP results identify the penetration of device form factors within this group and other groups, as well as the number of connected devices they use, the hours they use them, and their work from home status. This TUPdate also identifies the activities this group does with their devices that is uniquely different from other advantaged, disadvantaged, and average Americans, as well as their active collection of consumer electronics and purchase plans.
Technology profile of Hispanic Americans aged 18-49
During the pandemic, socioeconomically advantaged groups changed their collection and usage of technology devices differently than historically disadvantaged groups. Age 18-49 Hispanic Americans have a higher-than-average share of technology devices than disadvantaged Americans as a group. This group has significantly increased its connected device usage between 2020 and 2021. This TUPdate reports on this group’s status and change in connected devices by type – PCs, home PCs, work PCs, smartphones, game consoles, tablets, and feature phones. It also reports their work-from-home status, hourly device usage, number of devices, and market size.
Smartphones ace out PCs among younger adults around the world
The majority of online adults are using more than one connected device – a mobile phone, PC, tablet, or game console. The device they use the most – their primary device – varies across age groups. More adults under age 35 primarily use a smartphone while those 35 and over rely on a computer. This MetaFAQs details the primary device of online adults by four age groups.
Fun and games-devices versus consoles
Fun is a core activity drawing many people to use and enjoy their connected devices. While game consoles get a lot of focused attention, a substantially larger number of people regularly play games with their smartphones, PCs, and tablets. This MetaFAQs report details the number of adults playing games with connected devices as compared to those using game consoles. Furthermore, it splits these by age group.
Technology profile of partnered American employed homeowner college graduates with children
During the pandemic, socioeconomically advantaged groups changed their collection and usage of technology devices differently than historically disadvantaged groups. Partnered American employed homeowner college graduates with children are a group that has many of the factors positively aligned with advantaged groups. This group has some of the highest penetration rates for technology products. This group significantly increased its collection of connected devices between 2020 and 2021, even while it already had more than the average advantaged American. This TUPdate reports on this group’s status and change in connected devices by type – PCs, home PCs, work PCs, smartphones, game consoles, tablets, and feature phones. It also reports their work from home status, hourly device usage, and market size.
Average number of tablets being used among socioeconomic groups
How different are advantaged from disadvantaged Americans in how many tablets they use? How much has this changed since before the pandemic? How do historically socioeconomically advantaged groups such as high-income or college graduates compare to disadvantaged groups such as single parents, low-income, lesser-educated, elderly, or ethnic groups? This TUP analysis reports on the number of tablets actively used within each socioeconomic group.
Wearables penetration by country
Wearables have moved into the mainstream, reaching the wrists and ears of half of Americans. Penetration rates are not as high among online adults in Germany, the UK, or Japan. Also, smartwatches are not universally adopted. This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration rate of Bluetooth headsets, smartwatches, and electronic activity trackers among online adults by country.
Communication activities by age group
Among the many ways people use their connected devices, communication remains central to most users’ activities. Communication became more important than ever as employees working from home sought to collaborate and meet during the pandemic. Simultaneously, people not employed outside the home reached out for connections and information. From video calls to group meetings such as using Zoom or Microsoft Teams, many users shifted their communication patterns and adopted new tools. This MetaFAQs report details the market penetration of regular use of many types of communication tools across the US, UK, Germany, and Japan, each split by age group.