Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 9, 2020 Is there a relationship between iPhone and MacBook users? Similarly, is there a relationship between Android smartphone and Chromebook users? This MetaFAQs reports on the active penetration of Windows notebooks, Apple MacBooks, and Chromebooks among iPhone and Android smartphone users. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently…
American iPhone carriers – a generational divide [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 13, 2020 Apple iPhones appeal more strongly to some age groups than others, just as certain wireless carriers have attracted more of some age groups than others. This MetaFAQs looks at the age distribution of American Apple iPhone users by their wireless carrier. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to…
Who has the older iPhones? [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 12, 2020 Some users keep their iPhones longer than others. This varies by age group and country. This MetaFAQs looks at the active installed base of Apple iPhones by generational age group and country. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology users. The research results…
Home notebooks – stuck at home and getting things done [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, October 2, 2020
Home mobile notebooks are popular for keeping at home
Mobile computing means much more than being able to work or play while traveling. Despite travel restrictions and worldwide stay-at-home orders during the pandemic, mobile computers reign as the most popular home computer. Well over half (57%) of online adults use a home notebook, compared to 46% using at least one home desktop. MetaFacts surveyed online adults in six countries for the 2020 wave of TUP/Technology User Profile: the US, UK, Germany, China, Japan, and India. Notebook use is strongest in Japan (72% of online adults) and Germany (67%), and the lightest in the US (50%).
Watching the watches – smartwatches and fitness bands [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 12, 2019
Smartwatch and fitness band penetration tapers to 2016 levels
The race for the wrist has settled into a larger-than-niche and less-than-majority position. Over the last three years, the share of online Americans using at least one smartwatch has grown from one in six to one in five, only to settle back to the one-in-six level. This is based on the TUP/Technology User Profile 2019 survey of 8,060 online adults in the US, and from the prior three annual waves.
Multi OS jugglers – finger foibles [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 30, 2019 Finger foibles? Muscle memory? Most of us have done it – found our fingers fumbling for a key that isn’t on this keyboard, tapping a screen that’s not touch-sensitive, or expecting some function that’s not available on the device we’re using. Juggling devices across multiple operating system…
Online Privacy – A Paradoxically Divisive Feature [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 22, 2019 Most Americans value their privacy, although many have resigned themselves to having less, while others are taking steps to better safeguard theirs. Are privacy concerns a factor affecting the behavior or everyday Americans? Do attitudes and beliefs around privacy affect technology usage? Do Americans trust some brands…
Apple, Google, Microsoft – paths of expansion and contraction [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 8, 2020 There are many ways to serve technology users, and each family of operating systems – Apple’s, Google’s, and Microsoft – have expanded in different ways. While Windows-driven products are being actively used by nearly three-fourths (73%) of U.S. online adults, Apple macOS and iOS devices and Google…
Are we exclusive? An update on ecosystem exclusivity, dominance, and non-exclusivity [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, April 19, 2019 Do customers act on ecosystems, choosing to focus within a brand’s family for their products and services? How many technology users are exclusive, or at least favor one over another? Only one in eight (12%) of online adults around the world are truly exclusive, using products and…
Major sites visited in last 30 days other than Facebook [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 11, 2018 Which websites do Americans regularly visit besides Facebook? Where else are these Facebook-avoiders turning their attention? This MetaFAQs reports on online adults in the US who have not used Facebook in the prior 30 days, and details the sites they have visited. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers…