Among socioeconomically advantaged groups of American online adults, the use of home printers has grown between 2018 and 2021. Nationwide, however, and especially among disadvantaged groups, home printer use has declined. This MetaFAQs reports on the active use of home printers by American socioeconomic groups. The groups being reported consider age group, employment status, household size, ethnicity, presence of children, educational attainment, and other socioeconomic factors.
Home PC penetration by socioeconomic groups
How different are advantaged from disadvantaged Americans in whether or not they use a home PC? How much has this changed since before the pandemic? How do historically socioeconomically advantaged groups such as high-income or college graduates compare to disadvantaged groups such as single parents, low-income, less-educated, elderly, or people of color? This TUP analysis reports on the penetration of home PCs within each socioeconomic group.
Smartphone usage profile [TUPdate]
Smartphones are used differently among younger than older employees as well as adults that are not employed outside the household. This TUPdate reports on each group – their weekly hours used, their unique set of activities, and their differing use of voice assistants.
Profile of home PC users by brand
The major PC makers have attracted very different sets of customers, with some brands being used primarily by younger people and others more like someone’s father’s brand. This MetaFAQs report profiles the users of home PCs by brand and age group, showing the percentage of users in the US as well as collectively across the US, UK, Germany, and Japan.
PC penetration by socioeconomic groups
How different are advantaged from disadvantaged Americans in whether or not they use a PC, whether personally owned, employer-provided, for self-employment, school, or another one? How much has this changed since before the pandemic? How do historically socioeconomically advantaged groups such as high-income or college graduates compare to disadvantaged groups such as single parents, low-income, less-educated, elderly, or people of color? This TUP analysis reports on the penetration of PCs within each socioeconomic group.
Employer profile of those working from home [TUPdate]
Working from home has been a widespread response to the pandemic, although it is not an option for everyone, nor does every employer support it. Nearly a third of employees that work from home work for an employer with less than 20 employees, twice the rate of those not working from home. This TUPdate reports on online Americans that do and don’t work from home by employer size and employment status.
Communication patterns shift showing Zoom fatigue
Email continues to lead as the major communication activity across all devices. One-to-one video calls have grown rapidly. Worldwide and US employees are showing their Zoom/Webex fatigue, as both work and personal web-based group meetings have subsided.
Demographics of those working from home [TUPdate]
Workers working from home are younger than average, more often married or coupled than single, and more likely to be a college graduate. This TUPdate reports on the age, marital status, and educational attainment of employees regularly working from home, as well as their household demographics: household size, income, presence of children, and ownership or rental of dwelling.
Profile of Apple’s active base
Apple’s customers with many Apple OS devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs) have a higher than average socioeconomic profile and use of connected devices.
Students and their technology
College students are visible users of technology devices. During the pandemic, their collection of actively used devices has shifted slightly. Worldwide, Windows PCs are the leading device followed by iPhones, which are reaching more students. Among Americans, Apple OS devices top the list, partly due to broader iPhone penetration.