The mobility of tablets [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 28, 2020 Tablets are made to be mobile, but are they being used that way? Have tablets made inroads into the workplace or schools? This MetaFAQs reports on the locations that tablets are being used among online adults in three countries and over five years. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are…

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Tablet game playing by household size [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 24, 2020 Are tablets being used to play games? After all, many tablets are being used for passive activities, where the user is leaning back in a chair (or sprawled on a sofa) instead of sitting at a desk. Is the share or tablet gamers higher or lower among…

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Active iPad use by country and year [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 21, 2020 How has the penetration rate of using an Apple iPad changed? How is this different between the US, UK, and Germany? This MetaFAQs reports on the shift in active usage between 2016 and 2020. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology users. The…

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Remote home control gaining acceptance [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 20, 2020

If our homes are our castles, how many of us are controlling our domain remotely? Is there a difference by country in managing home security, climate, or lighting? How does this vary by device – smartphones, home PCs, work PCs, or tablets?

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Apple iPad use by household size and country [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 14, 2020 The penetration of Apple iPads has shifted over the last five years, with larger households behaving differently than smaller ones. This MetaFAQs reports on the active market penetration of Apple iPads by household size in the US, UK, and Germany. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently…

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Tablet use by household size [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 7, 2020 How many people are actively using tablets? Is there a difference by household size? This MetaFAQs reports on the active installed base of tablets in the US, UK, and Germany from 2016 through 2020. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology users. The…

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