Even as overall iPad usage penetration rates are collapsing worldwide, certain generational groups in some countries show renewed or persistent interest.
In the UK, the most tech-experienced generation – Boomers/Silent – have the highest iPad penetration rates of any generation, and higher than in years past. Also, the rate is higher than this generation in other countries surveyed.
Even Android-dominated Germany is showing a bright spot, although only among the generation with the least technology experience yet the highest exuberance, Gen Z. This group had expressed slightly higher usage before the pandemic, only to decline sharply following the onset. This group is one to watch since it may foretell some weakness for Android, which could telegraph possible switching behavior among this highly-sought generation.
The TUP data reports on the penetration of iPad users, segmented by country and age generations. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1213_ipat] in TUP Lenses: Tablets, User Profile
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