Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 15, 2020 Progress toward work-life separation, until sudden integration I will admit to having recently used more than one cliché about these being “unprecedented times” or even that we’re headed towards a “new normal”. When it comes to work-life balance, what was “normal” is all-too “precedented”. For years, PCs…
Don’t let seniors fool you as they Zoom from behind [TUPdate, MetaFacts Pulse Survey]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 5, 2020
Ageism is widespread in the tech industry. Many younger computer experts had a good laugh when a recent call went out for COBOL programmers, piling snark on classic tools as passe. That was until these relative newbies realized how many citizens would be left waiting for financial support after the recent surge in demand for unemployment checks. Younger computer experts were even more chagrined when they heard about the hiring bonuses being offered and realized they did not have relevant skills.
Parents sharing their home technology – or not [TUPdate, MetaFacts Pulse Survey]
The pandemic has strongly impacted parents, and TUP research reports how parents are managing their home technology.
Working from home with what you have [TUPdate, MetaFacts Pulse Survey]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, April 17, 2020 Two out of three employees suddenly working from home are not well-supported by their employers, at least not with their technology. Among the largest US employers, 18.6 million employees working at home are doing so without a work PC. This is almost half (47%) of all US…
The second life of home PCs [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, February 6, 2020
Home PCs enjoy a longer life than in their original owners’ hands, as many are ultimately enjoyed by someone else. This is more strongly true in developed countries than in developing ones.
Generational wealth – in tech devices [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, January 24, 2020 Millennials may be getting bad press for lagging in real estate and financial investments, but they’re well invested in tech devices. Millennials use the largest number of connected devices per capita, including more than the next-younger generation – GenZ. PCs are the major device for all generations,…
Home PC trends – highlights from TUP/Technology User Profile 2019 – US [Highlights]
Home PCs are very much alive and being well-used. Home PC usage rates are stable, both in overall penetration and in the number being used. Nearly all online American adults regularly use a home PC, yet they see them differently. Younger Americans see them as adding to their entertainment, while for older adults it helps…
Favorite device combinations – less juggling [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 20, 2019
The favorite collections
Users vote with their fingers, demonstrating what they like by what they use. The top combination includes two devices – a notebook and smartphone and no desktop or tablet – and is actively used by nearly one in seven (14%) online adults in the US.
This is based on the four most recent waves of TUP/Technology User Profile, 2016 through 2019 waves. These were based on 7,336, 7,521, 7,886, and 8,060 US online adult representative responses, respectively.
The top five combinations are used by well over half (59%) of online Americans. All the top combinations include a smartphone, three include a desktop, three include a notebook, and two include a tablet. Four of these major combinations have remained the most widely used for the last four years.
Alone Americans – overlooked technology users? [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, June 21, 2019 Sometimes the slow-moving trends are the ones that get missed. Coupled with preconceived notions, these have the makings of blind spots. For many tech companies, single-person American households may be an overlooked market segment. Based on research by the U.S. Census and our TUP/Technology User Profile service,…
Online Privacy – A Paradoxically Divisive Feature [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 22, 2019 Most Americans value their privacy, although many have resigned themselves to having less, while others are taking steps to better safeguard theirs. Are privacy concerns a factor affecting the behavior or everyday Americans? Do attitudes and beliefs around privacy affect technology usage? Do Americans trust some brands…