Profile of Americans using HP computers

21% of all online American adults regularly use an HP computer. Although not dominating the market, HP computer customers still make a significant dent in the industry. The average age of American HP computer users skews toward older men.

This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online Americans who regularly use an HP PC by age group, age and gender, employment status, life stage, and technology ecosystem.

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Wearing a smartwatch or fitness tracker

Smartwatches and fitness trackers are about more than athletic pursuits and telling the time. Market penetration has grown, and adoption has expanded beyond the earliest wearables users. The US has higher market penetration than the UK or Germany, and Japan has less than the other three.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan that regularly use a smartwatch or fitness tracker, further split by age group in each country.

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Devices used for work phone calls

Employees have more ways than ever before to communicate with each other and with customers – email, text, and platforms like Zoom, Slack, and Microsoft Teams. However, work-related voice phone calls remain a solid staple among the majority of employees. Nearly 60% of American and almost half of Japanese employees regularly use one of their connected devices to make or receive work-related phone calls. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of employees regularly using their connected devices for work-related phone calls, detailing each device type used – smartphone, home PC, work PC, or tablet – by the size of their employer: <20 employees, 20-499 employees, or 500+ employees.

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Profile of active American iPad users

Apple’s iPads hold the title as the tablets used more than any other. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of Americans who regularly use an iPad, their unique demographic characteristics, their Apple/Windows/Google combination, and even how they use iPads differently than other tablets are used.

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Key devices used by seniors 60+

Online seniors 60 and older are more active than may be expected, with nearly as high device penetration rates as online adults aged 18 to 59. This MetaFAQs reports on the percent of online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan that are using key connected devices – PCs, smartphones, and tablets – in total and split out by major technology ecosystems.

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Profile of Americans using Apple computers

One in five (22%) online Americans regularly use an Apple computer. They skew younger than the average online American. This MetaFAQs profiles users of Apple computers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age, age within gender, life stage, number of home PCs, and technology ecosystems.

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Profile of Americans who print recipes

Almost a quarter of all online American adults print recipes. And although the age skews higher, this is not always the case. Gender plays a role to an extent, but much less so in the younger age groups.

This MetaFAQs reports on online American adults in 2021 who print recipes based on age, age and gender, employment status, and life stage.

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Devices used for work video meetings

Work-related video conferences had been growing in use even before the pandemic. Platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Webex solidified their prominence, even while employees have many other ways to communicate – email, text, and collaboration platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams. Nearly between 33% and 43% of employees in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan regularly use one of their connected devices to participate in work-related video group meetings. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of employees regularly using their connected devices for work-related video group meetings, detailing each device type used – smartphone, home PC, work PC, or tablet – by the size of their employer: <20 employees, 20-499 employees, or 500+ employees.

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