Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 12, 2020 Smartphones, tablets, and notebooks are all mobile devices, and yet a desire for mobility alone does not mean that online adults will actively use all three. This MetaFAQs looks at the penetration of at least one actively-used smartphone, notebook, or tablet among online adults in the US,…
Tablet use by household size [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 7, 2020 How many people are actively using tablets? Is there a difference by household size? This MetaFAQs reports on the active installed base of tablets in the US, UK, and Germany from 2016 through 2020. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology users. The…
Active tablet use by country and year [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 31, 2020 The market penetration of actively-used tablets has shifted, following a similar pattern in more than one country. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults actively using a tablet in the US, Germany, and UK from 2016 through 2020. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently…
Home PC use declined in 2020, especially among non-White, non-Asian online Americans [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 24, 2020 Among online Americans, Home PC use declined overall between mid-2019 and mid-2020. Declines were not even by ethnicity/Hispanic groups. This MetaFAQs splits the market penetration of home PCs by White/non-Hispanic, Asian/non-Hispanic, Black/non-Hispanic, Hispanic, and Other/non-Hispanic online Americans. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about…
Average hours using a tablet [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 24, 2020 How actively used are tablets? What is the mean number of hours they are used during a week? This MetaFAQs reports on the average (mean) number of hours using a tablet among online adults in the US, the UK, and Germany for 2018 through 2020. About MetaFAQs…
PC use declined in 2020, especially among non-White, non-Asian online Americans [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 17, 2020 Fewer online Americans were regularly using a PC in mid-2020 than in mid-2019. This MetaFAQs splits PC penetration rates by ethnic/Hispanic groups. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology users. The research results showcase the TUP/Technology User Profile study, MetaFacts’ survey of a…
Age of actively used tablets [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 17, 2020 How old (or new) are tablets in the installed base? How has their age changed over time? Does this differ by country? This MetaFAQs reports on the average (mean) age of tablets in the US, the UK, and Germany between 2017 and 2020. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are…
Smartphones are workhorses [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 15, 2020 Smartphones are in widespread use, as are PCs and tablets. They are being used for more than phone calls. This MetaFAQs looks at the regular smartphone activities of employees in the US, Germany, and China, detailing the work-related activities they do. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to…
Key home PC trends [Highlights]
Home PC Penetration
The home PC has been a central part of the American technology user’s world for years, and while remaining so for many, the home PC is slowly losing its primacy among some market segments.
Home PCs have been challenged by the emerging use of smartphones and tablets, not only among younger Americans. Older Americans have also rapidly adopted smartphones and are starting to discover how to use them well. Home PC makers, software developers, and service providers have worked hard to keep the home PC as a central device, or at least one that is included.
The home PC is not down and out – not by a long shot. The humble PC is in use by most online Americans. In 2020, 75% of online adults in the US actively used a home PC. From 2015 to 2019, this level was effectively flat at 80%.
Work-life balance – back to the future or the past? [TUPdate, MetaFacts Pulse Survey]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 15, 2020 Progress toward work-life separation, until sudden integration I will admit to having recently used more than one cliché about these being “unprecedented times” or even that we’re headed towards a “new normal”. When it comes to work-life balance, what was “normal” is all-too “precedented”. For years, PCs…