Profile of American tablet game players

For most Americans, tablets are used for passive activities, from watching videos to web browsing. Game-playing is a regular activity for many. This MetaFAQs profiles the group of tablet game-players, representing 11% of online Americans, detailing the critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age, gender, age within gender, life stage, and number of PCs used.

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User activities reveal ecosystem strengths

While some may argue that a smartphone is a smartphone regardless of its ecosystem, users beg to differ, as shown by their actions. This MetaFAQs profiles activity usage differences between iPhones and Android smartphones, Windows PCs, Apple Macs, and Chromebooks, and iPads, Android, and Windows tablets.

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Profile of American smartphone game-players

Fun is essential, even when standing in line, and a unique segment of game-players reach for their smartphones to play. This MetaFAQs profiles the sizable, if a casual, group of smartphone game-players, the 32% of online Americans using a smartphone to play games, detailing the critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age, gender, age within gender, employment status, household size, and life stage.

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User profile by operating system ecosystem

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 13, 2021

Apple for youngest adults and Windows for the middle

  • Windows has the broadest overall market penetration of any OS family
    • Globally, Windows is strongest among adults who are employed, in larger households, working from home, and neither the oldest nor youngest
  • Apple OS devices have their strongest market penetration among younger adults, especially those employed and working from home
    • Apple’s global market penetration is supported in three ways: iPhones, Macs, and iPads
    • The global penetration of Google OS devices is primarily supported by Android smartphones.
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