Samsung and Apple users by age group and country [MetaFAQs]

Age may be just a number, but a user’s age can tell us a lot about their preferences—especially between top competitors Samsung and Apple. Since each company is striving to expand its core base beyond smartphones to more PCs/Macs and tablets, it’s worth noting that there is a distinct difference in market penetration by age group.
This MetaFAQs details the device-type penetration of Samsung and Apple’s smartphones, PCs, and tablets by age group in 2020 in the US, UK, Germany, and China.

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Samsung and Apple’s device type penetration within core [MetaFAQs]

The competition is fierce between Samsung and Apple. Both companies have the strongest hold of the smartphone market, and they are now trying to expand this across device types—especially within their pre-existing core customer base. One measure of brand loyalty is the range of device types that customers actively use.
This MetaFAQs details the device-type penetration of Samsung and Apple’s smartphones, PCs, and tablets within each of their respective core bases in 2020 in the US, UK, Germany, and China.

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Samsung and Apple’s core penetration [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, April 21, 2021

How does Apple’s and Samsung’s brand footprint vary by country? What share of online adults are using a smartphone, PC, or tablet from either Apple or Samsung? This MetaFAQs details the market penetration of Samsung and Apple’s core products – smartphones, PCs, or tablets – in 2020 in the US, UK, Germany, and China.

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Highest ecosystem penetrations [MetaFAQs]

All it takes is one—especially when it comes to joining an ecosystems or brand footprint. A basic measure of ecosystem strength or brand footprint is how many customers are using at least one of its products or services.
This MetaFAQs reports on the use of one or more products or services by online adults spanning: Microsoft Windows and Xbox; Facebook networks or Portals; HP PCs or printers; Amazon shoppers and Alexa users; Apple iPhones, iPads, Watches, and Macs; Google Android/ChromeOS smartphones and tablets; and Samsung smartphones, PCs, and tablets. This report measures online adults in the US, Germany, the UK, Japan, China, and India from TUP/Technology User Profile 2020, which is TUP’s 38th annual.

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All-in-one desktop PCs by country [MetaFAQs]

Sometimes having “it all” is not indicative of popularity. This MetaFAQs considers: Are desktop AiOs (All-in-One desktop PCs) being widely used? Who is the installed base share leader among leading brands Apple, HP, Dell, Lenovo, and Fujitsu?
This MetaFAQs details the percentage of adults using any of the major brands of AiOs (All-in-One desktop PCs) in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan in 2020.

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Tablet installed base by brand and country [MetaFAQs]

When it comes to tablet use—who uses what brand? And where are brands more popular?
This MetaFAQs measures tablet use across brands: Apple, Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo, ASUS, Google or other/not listed. This report measures the brand of the active installed base of tablets in the US, UK, Germany, Japan, China, and India from TUP/Technology User Profile 2020, which is TUP’s 38th annual.

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Preferences for tablet or home PC for activities [MetaFAQs]

How differently are tablets and home PCs being used? Among users with both tablets and home PCs, which activities are being used on both? Which activities are more unique to home PCs and which with tablets?
This MetaFAQs details the activities in common between home PC-centric, and tablet-centric users in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan in 2020. Activities measured include internet and email use, document storage, videos/movies, ad-blocking software, finance, collaboration, presentations, reading books, and taking pictures.

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