Voice assistants-what users ask about [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 9, 2018 As the saying goes, many talk about the weather, yet few do anything about it. Our research doesn’t show if people expect Alexa to have any skills to do anything about the weather. However, it is the main subject users speak with Alexa about. That’s followed by…

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Voice assistants-What’s listening now? [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 1, 2018 Among voice assistant users, Apple AirPods have the most recent use of a listening device, with 78% having used it on the day we surveyed them. This high active-usage rate is closely followed by Apple notebooks or desktop Macs. Android smartphones rank last for this most-recent-use measure,…

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Pocket full of fun – entertainment activities [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, February 1, 2018 Which is more fun – the one-trick-pony device that does one fun thing well, or the device you can use for many types of entertainment? In India, the most-preferred connected device for fun is a smartphone or a basic feature phone. Connected adults in India find more…

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How many years do consumers use their notebook PCs? [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, January 29, 2018 How many years do consumers use their Notebook PCs? Based on our MetaFacts TUP/Technology User Profile 2017 survey, the average is 3.1 years around the world. In the US, the average is a full half-year newer, at 2.6 years. Among the world’s leading economies, Germans use their…

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Technology spending – beyond owned gadgets [TUPdate]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 30, 2017

Tech spending – it’s mostly driven by living in the moment, through month-to-month subscriptions and on-demand content. Spending on tech devices, while substantial, is only a fraction of annual household spending. Also, the biggest spenders are few in number.
During the full year of 2015, 90% of household technology spending was for services and 10% for devices. Total household tech spending averaged $7.9 thousand for the year. Most of this spending was concentrated among the top 25% of spenders. In 2015, the Top Quartile of adults spent $23.6 thousand on average for technology services and devices.
For these biggest tech spenders, services make up 93% of the technology spend. This is in contrast to the bottom quartile of spenders, whose spending is more equally balanced, with 63.6% going for services and 36.4% for devices.

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