Has the increased demand for synchronous, high-bandwidth activities—like video meetings—affected device use? Are people choosing one device over another for such activities? This TUPdate reports on synchronous and asynchronous communication levels by country alongside device type (smartphone, home PC, or tablet), activity type (phone/video calls, text message, email, and web-based group meetings), and age group. This TUPdate considers online adults in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan from TUP/Technology User Profile 2020, which is TUP’s 38th annual.
Smart displays beginning with youthful interest [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 14, 2020 Who are the first to use Smart Displays? The few Smart Displays that are being used in the marketplace have stronger penetration among younger than older adults. Based on our most recent research results in TUP/Technology User Profile 2020, market penetration is still quite small. Meanwhile, our…
Mobility for all ages [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 12, 2020 Are mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops more popular among younger than older users? Is there a favorite combination among Americans – such as being mobile with only a smartphone, or instead using all three mobile devices? This MetaFAQs reports on the combinations of mobile devices…
Synchronous or asynchronous communication – checking age preference [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 11, 2020 Communication is a vital and regular activity for connected devices. There are many choices – email, phone calls, video calls, video meetings, group chats – and the experience is different for each type. This MetaFAQs looks at asynchronous communication activities – those where the communicators don’t need…
Game console brands by age group [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 2, 2020 Do different age groups play favorites when it comes to game consoles? Do any brands stand out as being used more often by some age groups than others? This MetaFAQs answers these questions based on results from the 12,516 online adults responding to the MetaFacts TUP/Technology User…
Contact management is a widespread activity for all ages [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 25, 2020 How many online adults regularly manage the contact information in their connected devices? Is this being actively done by younger or older adults? This MetaFAQs looks into the active use of managing contacts by age group and country. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions…
Notebooks midmost in mobility [TUPdate]
Notebook Penetration – Now in the Middle of Mobility Notebooks have continued their long march into widespread use, fueled by the desire to get things done regardless of location. The years-long drive towards mobility continues. However, users have shown that notebooks are not their only choice to support their mobility fix. Even while notebooks have…
News, sports, and weather-for all ages, not all devices [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 5, 2020 Some information such as news, sports, and weather are most useful when they’re current and easily available. There are many ways to get this information across smartphones, PCs, or tablets. Some users are more actively intent on tapping into this information, and different age groups prefer different…
American iPhone carriers – a generational divide [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 13, 2020 Apple iPhones appeal more strongly to some age groups than others, just as certain wireless carriers have attracted more of some age groups than others. This MetaFAQs looks at the age distribution of American Apple iPhone users by their wireless carrier. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to…
Why do Nextdoor users say “get off my lawn!”? [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 7, 2020 Users of the hyper-local social network Nextdoor have developed a reputation distinct from Facebook or Instagram users. This MetaFAQs details the generational age distribution of American adults that sometimes use Nextdoor, only use Nextdoor instead of other major social networks, as well as those who actively use…