Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 7, 2020 Users of the hyper-local social network Nextdoor have developed a reputation distinct from Facebook or Instagram users. This MetaFAQs details the generational age distribution of American adults that sometimes use Nextdoor, only use Nextdoor instead of other major social networks, as well as those who actively use…
Watching the watches – smartwatches and fitness bands [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 12, 2019
Smartwatch and fitness band penetration tapers to 2016 levels
The race for the wrist has settled into a larger-than-niche and less-than-majority position. Over the last three years, the share of online Americans using at least one smartwatch has grown from one in six to one in five, only to settle back to the one-in-six level. This is based on the TUP/Technology User Profile 2019 survey of 8,060 online adults in the US, and from the prior three annual waves.
Game-playing trends – convenience gamers, dedicated gamers, and device-gamers [Highlights]
Overview Playing games is a regular activity for most adults whether using game consoles or gaming PCs, or any of their connected devices – mobile phones, tablets, or PCs. Convenience Gamers – those using only a connected device to play games – have near-equal market penetration to Dedicated Gamers – users of game consoles or…
Home printing trends – US 2019 [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 7, 2019
Printing at home has changed in recent years. Printer manufacturers continue to innovate to compete and encourage broad active printer use.
This TUPdate looks at the major trends in home printing in the US and examines how users have changed in both what they print and their volume of printing. Also, it examines printing trends concerning the broadened use of mobile devices. Further, it looks into whether younger adults print more or less than older ones and whether the presence of children makes a difference.
The source for this analysis is MetaFacts TUP/Technology User Profile, with results from waves 2015 through 2019, all based on surveys of from 7,326 to 8,060 online adults in the US.
Home printer penetration
Favorite device combinations – flexibility and juggling [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, April 26, 2019 Users vote with their fingers, demonstrating what they like by what they actually use. The top combination includes four devices – a desktop, notebook, tablet, or smartphone – and actively used by one in six (16%) of online adults in the US. This is based on the…
Streaming subscriptions – the age cliff for music [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 15, 2019 Streaming subscriptions are popular, with 69% of online adults actively using at least one type of free or paid digital media subscription. Penetration is highest among younger than older American adults. Nearly nine in ten online adults in the US aged 18-34 use a digital media subscription….
Digital feathernesters – it’s not only generational [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 3, 2018 Millennials have been getting a bad rap lately, with pundits suggesting that they’re squandering their financial futures on avocado toast or cold brew. While our TUP study doesn’t track café treats, we’re finding robust spending on technology devices and services by millennials. Among millennials, homeowners outspend their…
Facebook avoiders have strongest share among younger adults [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, April 10, 2018 Younger adults are moving away from Facebook, even while they continue to use other social networks. The highest share of adults actively using social networks, although not using Facebook, are adults age 18 to 24. The highest share is among males age 18 to 24, with 15%…
Tech employees are youngest [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, January 10, 2018
Employees in technology roles or industries are strikingly younger than employees in other US employment roles and industries.
As released in our most recent wave of TUP/Technology User Profile 2017 – our research shows that employees in either technology-focused roles or in technology-oriented industries are much younger than the average American employee. Also, those employed in both technology roles and technology industries are the youngest of all.