Following the onset of the pandemic, remote working suddenly became more widespread. Varied levels of remote working continue, although the situation continues to be in flux as employers shift their policies. To continue to be productive, many remote workers pressed their home computers into the service of their employer, regularly using them for work-related activities. Interestingly, in most countries surveyed, a higher share of younger adults use home computers for work than older adults do.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults using a home computer for work-related activities, from videoconferencing to preparing reports or presentations. Report [TUP_doc_2024_0107_yhwk] in TUP Lenses: User Profile; Households; Activities; Work/Life Balance
Gameplayers shift platforms, drifting from consoles and PCs
Playing games is a regular activity for around half of online adults in the US, Germany, the UK, and Japan, a practice that has remained relatively steady since 2021. What has changed is the play platform of choice, as smartphones grow in favor while PCs and game consoles diminish. While Gen Z leads in gameplaying activity, the Boomer/Silent generations have increased their fun behavior, especially with smartphones.
This MetaFAQ reports on the percentage of online adults who regularly play games using a game console, smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or other connected device from 2021 through 2023. This information is split into generational age groups among Americans. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1227_gamt] in TUP Lenses: Mobile Phones; User Profile; Activities; Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing
Smartwatch valleys and peaks
Smartwatches are an important product category in their own right and also a barometer for a complete picture of the active breadth of technology ecosystems. Smartwatches, primarily from Apple or using the Android environment, form a sizable market share, in active use by one-ninth to one-fourth of online adults in the US, Germany, the UK, and Japan. Gen Z and millennial adults are leading their use. The Boomer/Silent generations have a small but quickly growing share. Looking ahead, purchase plans are not substantial, although they describe a reasonable replacement market.
This MetaFAQs reports on the market penetration of smartwatches, split by generational age group, Apple and Android, and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1218_wret] in TUP Lenses: Consumer Electronics; Technology Ecosystems; Wearables, Hearables, Listening, and Speaking
No generation is saving PCs
PC usage has declined substantially since 2017 based on the number of weekly hours users use computers. Although there has been a very slight uptick among adults in Japan and the UK, hours have dropped for most of the years from 2017 through 2023.
Millennials have maintained the highest hourly usage rates, with Gen X not far behind, although these generational groups have also substantially lowered their usage.
This MetaFAQ reports the average weekly hours online adults use PCs, including any home-owner, employer-provided, self-employer, public, or other computers for 2017 through 2023. The results are split by generational age group and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1217_milt] in TUP Lenses: PCs; User Profile
Generational insights into printer trends
The majority of online adults use a printer, regardless of their generational group. However, printer use has declined steadily since 2017, both in the percentage of adults regularly using a printer and in the average number of printers they use.
This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration rates and average number of printers used by online adults in the US, UK, Germany, Japan, and China, split by generational age group. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1215_prpt] in TUP Lenses: Printers; User Profile
Modern communication shifts to coalesce around three modes
Communication methods have evolved over the past few decades. While landlines were once predominant, they’ve now taken a back seat. Asynchronous communication, like email, offers the advantage of connecting without simultaneous availability, often more convenient and effective. Text messaging, in particular, has experienced a significant rise, now standing as a leading communication method alongside emails.
Interestingly, while smartphones are labeled “”phones,”” their initial use leaned more toward texting than calling. However, synchronous communication methods are making a comeback on these devices. Email, text messaging, and phone calls share nearly equal user numbers, showcasing varied preferences among users.
Our communication choices often depend on reciprocation, given its two-way nature. As a result, user groups may flock together toward specific communication modes, either adopting new methods or moving away from older ones.
Later generations, specifically Gen Z, have been experimenting with alternative communication modes beyond email, texting, and phone calls, only recently returning to levels nearly as high as those before the onset of the pandemic. Earlier generations have increased their use of these three communication modes even while navigating a shift from computers to smartphones.
This TUPdate reports on the share of online adults using their connected devices for any of the three major communication activities – personal phone calls, emails, or text messages. It reports on the trends from 2017 through 2023, highlighting the shifts that took place following the onset of the pandemic. Furthermore, it details the differences in communication behaviors between generational age groups. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1212_comt] in TUP Lenses: Activities; Communication
Half of Gen Z Americans use a game console, unlike elders
Later generations heavily favor game consoles. Only a fourth of Gen X has embraced game consoles, while most millennials and Gen Z generations actively play with them. Console games are intriguing to these later generations for their immersion, demanding video, and the social aspect of sharing game-playing.
This MetaFAQs reports the percentage of online adults in the US, Germany, UK, Japan, and China using a game console by generation. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1203_cons] in TUP Lenses: User Profile; Activities; Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing
One in three Gen Z Americans have a new PC, unlike Boomers
One in three Gen Z Americans have a new PC, unlike Boomers – Experienced generations replace PCs less frequently than newer users, especially in the US, UK, and Germany. However, Japan and China’s Gen X started with computers later. Notably, Gen Z shows a strong inclination towards using the latest computers. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1127_newp] in TUP Lenses: Devices; PCs; User Profile
HP has the highest printer share among nearly all American generations
HP has the highest printer share among nearly all American generations – HP leads the American online printer market, ahead of other brands in the active installed base. Among Gen Z Americans, however, there is solid competition. This MetaFAQs reports on the primary printer brand of online Americans by age generation. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1119_hppr] in TUP Lenses: Printers; User Profile
Game consoles are a youngster thing
Game consoles are a youngster thing – Using a game console to play games is much more prevalent among younger adults than older ones. That’s the case across all countries surveyed: the US, UK, Germany, Japan, and China. Adults aged 25 to 34 have similar game console usage rates to those aged 18 to 24, which reflects the continued interest and habit energy of continued, if declining, use from younger ages. Playing games often have a social aspect, as groups of younger adults convene (in person or online) to play together. It’s important to note that game-playing with connected devices is widespread across all age groups, just less so by using game consoles and more so with computers, smartphones, and tablets.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults actively using a game console by age group and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1117_cons] in TUP Lenses: User Profile; Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing