Modern communication shifts to coalesce around three modes

Communication methods have evolved over the past few decades. While landlines were once predominant, they’ve now taken a backseat. Asynchronous communication, like email, offers the advantage of connecting without simultaneous availability, often more convenient and effective. Text messaging, in particular, has experienced a significant rise, now standing as a leading communication method alongside emails.

Interestingly, while smartphones are labeled “phones,” their initial use leaned more toward texting than calling. However, synchronous communication methods are making a comeback on these devices. Email, text messaging, and phone calls share nearly equal user numbers, showcasing varied preferences among users.

Meanwhile, group communication methods from shared platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack to video meetings hosted by Zoom and Webex have primarily met acceptance among a selected market subset.

Our communication choices often depend on reciprocation, given its two-way nature. As a result, user groups may flock together toward specific communication modes, either adopting new methods or moving away from older ones.

These trends offer invaluable insights for telecom companies, handset manufacturers, and those aiming to understand or influence consumer behaviors. The TUP data provides detailed information about communication preferences across different countries and generations, highlighting the frequency of use for email, text messaging, and phone calls among similar cohorts.

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Printer activity in US, Germany, UK, Japan, China

Printing continues to be a routine task for a significant portion of online adults, encompassing activities such as printing documents, web pages, reports, presentations, personal records, and even recipes. However, it’s important to note that not all online adults are actively engaged in this practice. The extent of printer usage varies considerably from one country to another, and this variation carries substantial implications for both printer manufacturers and the suppliers of consumables like ink, toner, and paper.

To provide valuable insights into this aspect, we present the TUP 2023 table 410 PRxCOUNTRY, which offers a comprehensive overview of printer usage among online adults in five key markets: the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, and China. This data encompasses the percentage of individuals in each country who have utilized a printer in the preceding 90 days, along with detailed information on the number of printers they have employed.

This data not only sheds light on the current state of printer engagement but also serves as a valuable resource for technology marketers, researchers, analysts, and professionals seeking to understand and capitalize on these trends within the global technology landscape.

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Trend in weekly hours with connected devices

In 2020, COVID-19 and related shutdowns drove up the average number of hours spent on devices around the world. Average device usage has been on a downward trend ever since. Despite this, we continue to see a strong long-term trend of 40-60 hours per week of usage. This MetaFAQs considers how frequently Americans and global device users use their PCs, smartphones, and tablets. Report [TUP_doc_2022_0827_hour] in TUP Lenses: Devices, PCs, Mobile Phones, Tablets.

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Pocket full of fun – entertainment activities [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, February 1, 2018 Which is more fun – the one-trick-pony device that does one fun thing well, or the device you can use for many types of entertainment? In India, the most-preferred connected device for fun is a smartphone or a basic feature phone. Connected adults in India find more…

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