Early generations cling to Android tablets

The tablet market has been dominated by Apple’s iPads and a hodgepodge of Google Android tablets. There is a strong positive association between a user’s smartphone operating system and that of their tablets. Google Android tablets have their strongest share among German adults, especially those in earlier generations. Gen Z adults seem to have little appetite for Google Android tablets, even within Germany.

This MetaFAQ reports on the percentage of adult tablet users using a Google Android tablet, split by country and age generation. Report [TUP_doc_2024_0108_andt] in TUP Lenses: Tablets

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Modern communication shifts to coalesce around three modes

Communication methods have evolved over the past few decades. While landlines were once predominant, they’ve now taken a back seat. Asynchronous communication, like email, offers the advantage of connecting without simultaneous availability, often more convenient and effective. Text messaging, in particular, has experienced a significant rise, now standing as a leading communication method alongside emails.

Interestingly, while smartphones are labeled “”phones,”” their initial use leaned more toward texting than calling. However, synchronous communication methods are making a comeback on these devices. Email, text messaging, and phone calls share nearly equal user numbers, showcasing varied preferences among users.

Our communication choices often depend on reciprocation, given its two-way nature. As a result, user groups may flock together toward specific communication modes, either adopting new methods or moving away from older ones.

Later generations, specifically Gen Z, have been experimenting with alternative communication modes beyond email, texting, and phone calls, only recently returning to levels nearly as high as those before the onset of the pandemic. Earlier generations have increased their use of these three communication modes even while navigating a shift from computers to smartphones.

This TUPdate reports on the share of online adults using their connected devices for any of the three major communication activities – personal phone calls, emails, or text messages. It reports on the trends from 2017 through 2023, highlighting the shifts that took place following the onset of the pandemic. Furthermore, it details the differences in communication behaviors between generational age groups. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1212_comt] in TUP Lenses: Activities; Communication

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Android tablets are strongest among younger adults even as iPads lead

Apple iPads dominate the market for tablets, with a higher penetration than Android tablets among online adults around the world. Among millennials and Gen Xers, however, Android tablets have their strongest foothold, especially in the US. Among online Germans, Android tablet users outnumber iPad users among millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers, and the reverse is true among Gen Z adults.

This MetaFAQs reports on the number and percentage of online tablet users by operating system family, country, and age generation in the US, UK, Germany, Japan, and China. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1103_andp] in TUP Lenses: Tablets

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