Are used/refurbished home PCs only for disadvantaged people? This MetaFAQs report details the percentage of online Americans using a used/refurbished home PC by socioeconomically advantaged/disadvantaged groups, each composed of household income, employment status, employment type, educational attainment, age group, ethnicity, household size, and other demographic characteristics.
Profile of American VR Headset users
So far, virtual reality has been a dream, only being actively used by a small number of creative and fun-loving pioneers. Within the TUP 2021 survey, MetaFacts identified 358 respondents that report regularly wearing VR headsets.
This MetaFAQs report details their game-playing activities, including which devices they regularly use, along with their demographic and technological profile.
Profile of American immersive/video game-players
Playing games is more than a casual pastime for many, especially those who play immersive & video games. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of Americans who regularly use any of their connected devices to play immersive/video games – game consoles, smartphones, computers, tablets, or more than one. The report profiles respondents by age, gender, life stage, and other characteristics. Further, it reports on the other unique activities and consumer electronics this fun-loving group enjoys, including VR headsets and home projectors.
Users of multiple home and work Apple devices
What people actively use defines their brand loyalty and the depth of an ecosystem’s penetration. This TUP analysis looks at how many adults use an Apple OS device (iPhone, iPad, Mac) split by those who acquired them personally for home use compared to those who also use one that is employer-provided.
Active game-players by platforms
Game consoles get most of the attention in the gaming market. Many more online adults actively play immersive or other games using their connected devices – smartphones, tablets, or computers – than use game consoles. Outside of the US, Windows PCs outnumber smartphones as the game-playing platform of choice, especially in Germany and Japan. This TUP analysis reports on the number of online adults actively playing immersive or other games by platform type and country.
Fun zone? The gap between game players and console use
The demand for playing games has gotten ahead of game consoles. More online adults play immersive or other games using their connected devices than regularly use a game console. The gap between what people do and what they have spells opportunity for game console makers and game makers alike. This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration rates of game consoles as compared to online adults that regularly play games using their connected devices – smartphones, computers, tablets, or game consoles. Results are reported by country and age group.
Profile of American Microsoft game console users
Truly active gamers love their game consoles, including Microsoft’s Xbox. However, that love is not exclusive since a fifth of Microsoft’s game console users also use a Nintendo, and a fifth uses a Sony game console. Microsoft has only reached 14% of all online Americans, primarily among younger males. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Microsoft game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, and mix of technology ecosystems. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet.
Connected device usage by socioeconomic groups
How different are advantaged from disadvantaged Americans in how many devices they actively use? How much has this changed since before the pandemic? How do historically socioeconomically advantaged groups such as high-income or college graduates compare to disadvantaged groups such as single parents, low-income, less-educated, elderly, or people of color? This TUP analysis reports on the average number of connected devices – mobile phones, computers, tablets, and game consoles – being used by each socioeconomic group.
Profile of American Nintendo game console users
While 19% of all online Americans use any Nintendo game console, penetration is highest among the youngest male and female adults. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Nintendo game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, and life stage. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet. Also, it reports on the competitive mix, with the percentage of American Nintendo game console users using Sony and Microsoft game consoles.
Highlights: Devices
There has been a sea change in which connected devices people use as well as how they use them. This TUP Highlights report details the trends in device ownership, the shifts between technology ecosystems, and market penetration levels. It spells out the major activities for each type of device, and how usage has changed. Furthermore, it details how many employees use personal devices for remote work.