Apple’s continued emphasis on a youthful market continues to bear fruit. The highest penetration of Apple iPhones is among adults aged 18 to 24 across all countries surveyed. This is especially notable in Germany, where Google Android phones have dominated the market for many years. Conversely, iPhones have much lower penetration rates among adults aged 50 and up, except in the US, where rates among older adults are only somewhat lower than average.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults using an Apple iPhone split by age group and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1217_ipho] in TUP Lenses: Mobile Phones; User Profile; Technology Ecosystems
No generation is saving PCs
PC usage has declined substantially since 2017 based on the number of weekly hours users use computers. Although there has been a very slight uptick among adults in Japan and the UK, hours have dropped for most of the years from 2017 through 2023.
Millennials have maintained the highest hourly usage rates, with Gen X not far behind, although these generational groups have also substantially lowered their usage.
This MetaFAQ reports the average weekly hours online adults use PCs, including any home-owner, employer-provided, self-employer, public, or other computers for 2017 through 2023. The results are split by generational age group and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1217_milt] in TUP Lenses: PCs; User Profile
UK tech buyers boost buying while China’s elites hang on
The global landscape has witnessed significant shifts in consumer purchasing behavior due to the impact of the pandemic and broader economic changes. This transformation extends to acquiring tech products such as smartphones, computers, tablets, and game consoles. With the rapid transition to remote work, many individuals proactively invested in personal computing devices to enhance their productivity rather than relying on their employers for equipment provision.
Conversely, individuals facing reduced working hours or economic uncertainty opted to postpone their tech purchases. On a global scale, the mean age of a technology user’s primary device has exhibited relative stability, averaging between 1.9 and 2.1 years old over the past five years. However, a closer examination reveals notable variations across different countries.
The affluent and highly educated among China’s population has consistently maintained access to the latest tech devices. Nevertheless, a recent delay in 2023 has cast uncertainty on their leading position, potentially aligning them with the global average in the near future. In contrast, consumers in the UK, who amidst Brexit and the pandemic deferred tech device purchases, have demonstrated a two-year consecutive uptick in acquisitions. Consequently, their average device age now ranks second among surveyed countries.
Meanwhile, online adults in Germany and Japan have displayed a penchant for holding onto their primary devices longer compared to their international counterparts. These nuanced trends offer valuable insights for technology marketers, researchers, analysts, and industry professionals seeking to navigate evolving consumer preferences and market dynamics.
This MetaFAQs reports on the mean age of the respondent’s primary device – a smartphone, computer, tablet, or game console – by country from 2018 through 2023. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1207_yeat] in TUP Lenses: Devices; PCs; Mobile Phones; Tablets
Nearly three of four Gen Z Americans use at least one Apple device
Apple has expanded into the two latest generations of online adults around the world. In every country surveyed, more than half of online adults are regularly using at least one major Apple product: an iPhone, an iPad, or a Mac. Among the earlier generations with millennials and Boomer/Silent adults, global penetration is 40%, and in the US it nears 50%.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults by age generation and country who are using one or more Apple devices – a smartphone, tablet, or computer. It also details how many Apple devices each age generation is using. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1207_appl] in TUP Lenses: Devices; PCs; Mobile Phones; Tablets; User Profile; Technology Ecosystems
Half of Gen Z Americans use a game console, unlike elders
Later generations heavily favor game consoles. Only a fourth of Gen X has embraced game consoles, while most millennials and Gen Z generations actively play with them. Console games are intriguing to these later generations for their immersion, demanding video, and the social aspect of sharing game-playing.
This MetaFAQs reports the percentage of online adults in the US, Germany, UK, Japan, and China using a game console by generation. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1203_cons] in TUP Lenses: User Profile; Activities; Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing
One in three Gen Z Americans have a new PC, unlike Boomers
One in three Gen Z Americans have a new PC, unlike Boomers – Experienced generations replace PCs less frequently than newer users, especially in the US, UK, and Germany. However, Japan and China’s Gen X started with computers later. Notably, Gen Z shows a strong inclination towards using the latest computers. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1127_newp] in TUP Lenses: Devices; PCs; User Profile
Half of Americans use a smartphone for work
Half of Americans use a smartphone for work – Over half of online American adults utilize smartphones for various work tasks, from emails to videoconferencing. One in six American workers relies solely on a smartphone. Another quarter have all three: a smartphone, computer and tablet, and 80% of these rely on smartphones for work activities. Interestingly, half lack employer-provided computers.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults regularly using a smartphone for work-related activities. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1125_spwr] in TUP Lenses: Mobile Phones; Activities; Communication; Work/Life Balance
Game consoles are a youngster thing
Game consoles are a youngster thing – Using a game console to play games is much more prevalent among younger adults than older ones. That’s the case across all countries surveyed: the US, UK, Germany, Japan, and China. Adults aged 25 to 34 have similar game console usage rates to those aged 18 to 24, which reflects the continued interest and habit energy of continued, if declining, use from younger ages. Playing games often have a social aspect, as groups of younger adults convene (in person or online) to play together. It’s important to note that game-playing with connected devices is widespread across all age groups, just less so by using game consoles and more so with computers, smartphones, and tablets.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults actively using a game console by age group and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1117_cons] in TUP Lenses: User Profile; Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing
Smartphone replacement sooner in the US, UK, and China, especially among later generations
Smartphone replacement sooner in the US, UK, and China, especially among later generations – Keeping smartphones fresh and new is the current practice of most online adults throughout the US, UK, and China. Half or more of the online adults in these countries acquired a smartphone within the last 18 months. Online adults in Germany and Japan, however, are keeping their smartphones longer. In these countries, nearer to three in eight online adults have phones this new. Typical German and Japanese cultural values encourage people to keep many consumer products until they are no longer functional instead of replacing them simply because there are newer ones available. Ecological and economic concerns also contribute to keeping electronics longer than average, as well as country-specific carrier agreements.
This MetaFAQs reports when smartphone users acquired their smartphone by age generation and country. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1113_spne] in TUP Lenses: Mobile Phones; User Profile
Android tablets are strongest among younger adults even as iPads lead
Apple iPads dominate the market for tablets, with a higher penetration than Android tablets among online adults around the world. Among millennials and Gen Xers, however, Android tablets have their strongest foothold, especially in the US. Among online Germans, Android tablet users outnumber iPad users among millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers, and the reverse is true among Gen Z adults.
This MetaFAQs reports on the number and percentage of online tablet users by operating system family, country, and age generation in the US, UK, Germany, Japan, and China. Report [TUP_doc_2023_1103_andp] in TUP Lenses: Tablets