The COVID pandemic made clear many socioeconomic inequities between Americans, as the impact of the virus was felt differently in great part depending on their educational attainment, occupation, employment status, and other factors.
This TUPdate focuses on one segment – Americans working full-time for an employer and with a household income of $150,000 or more per year – reporting their market size and profiling their usage of connected devices, which devices they do or don’t use, how much they use them, and the intensity of changes since before the pandemic.
Trends in technology ecosystems
Among online Americans, Smartphones have reached the same penetration rate as PCs, partly due to some segments where PC usage has declined. Apple has propelled much of this growth, outpacing Android smartphones in nearly every segment. Windows PCs, while still dominant, have been gradually losing their lead and penetration rates among most segments. Usage of tablets has continued its slow decline, primarily due to lowered market penetration of iPads within most market segments.
Mobile Phones TUP Lens
Smartphones have rapidly, although not completely, replaced feature phones. Smartphone users have expanded their range of activities with new uses while also increasingly migrating activities from computers and tablets. This TUP Highlights Report profiles smartphones – their market penetration, user demographic profile, regular activities, usage profile, key competitors, and purchase plans.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: penetration of smartphones versus feature phones, smartphone brand share, top activities for smartphones, smartphone carrier share, smartphone usage profile, trends in technology ecosystems, major activities for a market segment, and the profile of smartphone users.
Samsung user profile [MetaFAQs]
Samsung’s share of the installed base varies by country and within user age groups. This MetaFAQs reports on Samsung’s share by country, age group, and employment status.
Technology ecosystem device penetration by country, age, and employment status
One measure of an ecosystem’s breadth is its market penetration. This MetaFAQs splits out the percentage of online adults using major OS families and form factors – such as Windows PCs and iPhones – by country and by age and employment status.
Top smartphone activities [TUPdate]
What we do defines us more than what we are carrying. This MetaFAQs profiles smartphone users by their regular activities – those which are most popular worldwide and those unique to the country. It further splits out activities into four groups: younger and older adults that are employed versus those who are not employed outside the home.
Smartphone usage profile [TUPdate]
Smartphones are used differently among younger than older employees as well as adults that are not employed outside the household. This TUPdate reports on each group – their weekly hours used, their unique set of activities, and their differing use of voice assistants.
Profile of home PC users by brand
The major PC makers have attracted very different sets of customers, with some brands being used primarily by younger people and others more like someone’s father’s brand. This MetaFAQs report profiles the users of home PCs by brand and age group, showing the percentage of users in the US as well as collectively across the US, UK, Germany, and Japan.
Profile of Apple’s active base
Apple’s customers with many Apple OS devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs) have a higher than average socioeconomic profile and use of connected devices.
Demographics profile of smartphone users [MetaFAQs]
While smartphone adoption has grown to dominance, market penetration has not been equal across all demographic groups. This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration of active smartphone use by employment status, age group, and work-from-home status for the US and globally (US, Germany, UK, Japan, China-upper-educated).