Synchronous or asynchronous communication – checking age preference [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 11, 2020 Communication is a vital and regular activity for connected devices. There are many choices – email, phone calls, video calls, video meetings, group chats – and the experience is different for each type. This MetaFAQs looks at asynchronous communication activities – those where the communicators don’t need…

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Younger adults search for health info with smartphones more than with PCs [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 23, 2020

During 2020, it may come as no surprise that searching online for health information would be a regular activity for online adults. Do more users turn to their PCs or smartphones when they’re searching for health information? Is there a difference between younger and older adults? This MetaFAQs looks at health information searching using PCs and smartphones and compares the rates by age generation group among online adults in the US, Germany, UK, Japan, China, and India.

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