Home entertainment activities among online Americans

Having fun is one of the main activities for which online Americans use their connected devices – smartphones, home computers, or tablets. In the time prior to and since Covid, there has been a shift in which devices online Americans mostly use for entertainment.

This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online Americans who regularly use their connected devices for entertainment activities, showing the four-year trend from 2019 through 2022 and drilling down into generational age groups and device types: smartphone, home computers, and tablets.

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Brief profile of Americans regularly playing games using connected devices

Fun is a major pastime for most, but not all, American adults using connected devices. Whether they use a game console, gaming PC, regular computer, tablet, or mobile phone, most Americans regularly play immersive or other games.

This TUPdate briefly profiles Americans who regularly play immersive/video or other games, detailing their age, gender, employment status, presence of children, life stage, and use of game-specific devices such as a VR headset.

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Brief profile of American game console users

American adults actively using game consoles are not all young males, even while this group dominates. Many are employed full-time or part-time and raising families. Game consoles are just one device they use for fun.

This MetaFAQs profiles active adult users of game consoles by age, gender, life stage, and employment status. It also reports on the penetration of game consoles among users of other devices for play – VR headsets, gaming computers, and everyday computers, smartphones, and tablets.

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Profile of Americans actively using Apple Siri voice assistant

Controlling one’s environment by simply speaking has been the stuff of science fiction for decades. Apple was an early entrant with its PlainTalk speech recognition technology on certain Macintoshes in the 1990’s. Since its renewed entrance with Apple Siri on iPhones a decade ago, active market penetration has climbed to exceed one in five online Americans. This MetaFAQs profiles American active Apple Siri users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, and number of PCs used.

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