So far, virtual reality has been a dream, only being actively used by a small number of creative and fun-loving pioneers. Within the TUP 2021 survey, MetaFacts identified 358 respondents that report regularly wearing VR headsets.
This MetaFAQs report details their game-playing activities, including which devices they regularly use, along with their demographic and technological profile.
Profile of American immersive/video game-players
Playing games is more than a casual pastime for many, especially those who play immersive & video games. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of Americans who regularly use any of their connected devices to play immersive/video games – game consoles, smartphones, computers, tablets, or more than one. The report profiles respondents by age, gender, life stage, and other characteristics. Further, it reports on the other unique activities and consumer electronics this fun-loving group enjoys, including VR headsets and home projectors.
Technology Use Among American Seniors 75+
American online seniors aged 75 and older are more active and numerous than may be expected, accounting for ten million Americans. This TUPdate reports on the mixture of connected devices in active use – home PCs, smartphones, tablets, and feature phones, and how many of these they actively use. It also shows which activities these busy seniors do with their devices and how many regularly conduct the given activity. Furthermore, this TUPdate describes which consumer electronics are being used for entertainment purposes and the share of this segment that use wearables or smart homes.
Technology profile of alone American seniors
Online Americans aged 65 and older and who live alone are one of many socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. During the pandemic, many have been adversely affected by not having robust technology such as can be used for communication or delivery of food or medicine. This TUP analysis reports on this group and which active connected devices they use, how many they regularly use, how intensively they use them, and their work from home status.
Profile of American Microsoft game console users
Truly active gamers love their game consoles, including Microsoft’s Xbox. However, that love is not exclusive since a fifth of Microsoft’s game console users also use a Nintendo, and a fifth uses a Sony game console. Microsoft has only reached 14% of all online Americans, primarily among younger males. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Microsoft game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, and mix of technology ecosystems. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet.
Technology profile of low-income Americans in large households
The COVID pandemic made clear many socioeconomic inequities between Americans, as the impact of the virus was felt differently in great part depending on their educational attainment, occupation, employment status, and other factors.
This TUPdate focuses on one segment – Americans in households with 4 or more persons and a household income of $35,000 or less – reporting their market size and profiling their usage of connected devices, which devices they do or don’t use, how much they use them, and the intensity of changes since before the pandemic.
Profile of American Nintendo game console users
While 19% of all online Americans use any Nintendo game console, penetration is highest among the youngest male and female adults. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Nintendo game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, and life stage. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet. Also, it reports on the competitive mix, with the percentage of American Nintendo game console users using Sony and Microsoft game consoles.
Profile of American Sony game console users
Nearly a quarter of online Americans use a Sony game console, a higher penetration rate than competitors. Usage is most substantial among the youngish males, dropping off steeply above age 44. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Sony game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group, gender, age within gender, employment status, presence of children, household size, and life stage. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet. It reports on American Sony game console users’ competitive position by those who additionally use Nintendo and Microsoft game consoles.
Technology of single American parents
During the pandemic, parents without a spouse or partner have faced extra stresses, as they deal with school closures, childcare being less available, and other similar challenges. This TUPdate investigates this socially disadvantaged group to report on their current use of technology products and services – penetration by device type, hours of usage, number of devices, and work-from-home status.
Technology profile of partnered American employed homeowner college graduates with children
During the pandemic, socioeconomically advantaged groups changed their collection and usage of technology devices differently than historically disadvantaged groups. Partnered American employed homeowner college graduates with children are a group that has many of the factors positively aligned with advantaged groups. This group has some of the highest penetration rates for technology products. This group significantly increased its collection of connected devices between 2020 and 2021, even while it already had more than the average advantaged American. This TUPdate reports on this group’s status and change in connected devices by type – PCs, home PCs, work PCs, smartphones, game consoles, tablets, and feature phones. It also reports their work from home status, hourly device usage, and market size.