Hearables are having a tumultuous time during the pandemic, and users adapt to shifting situations. Webcams are a significant force, as are wireless Bluetooth headsets, both pivotal for users working or schooling from home. Meanwhile, voice-enabled speakers have reached a plateau, reaching their largest share among neither the youngest nor oldest adults. Smartwatches have made inroads across nearly all age groups, especially younger employed adults.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: purchase plans for wearables, hearables penetration, wearables penetration, trends in consumer electronics, the profile of hearables users, the profile of wearables users, the profile of key consumer electronics users, and device activities compared to consumer electronics.
Profile of Americans using WhatsApp
WhatsApp is one of the cornerstone services keeping many Americans within the Meta sphere. Working Dads have the highest penetration rates. This MetaFAQs report profiles American WhatsApp users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, number of home PCs used, and mix of technology ecosystems.
Profile of Americans using Facebook
Facebook is the legacy service of the Meta family. With a nearly two-thirds penetration rate, Facebook mirrors the American online population in many respects except two. Middle-aged and older female homemakers have the highest penetration rates. This MetaFAQs report briefly profiles American Facebook users by two vital demographic factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, and employment status.
Profile of American iPhone users
Apple iPhones have reached nearly every type of online American, although gaps and skews persist. Younger adult students and employees have the highest penetration rates. This MetaFAQs report profiles American iPhone users by four critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group, employment status, life stage, and mix of technology ecosystems.
Profile of Active American Siri or HomePod users
Apple’s Siri is enjoying steady progress where other voice assistants have not. A third or more of younger Americans – male and female – are active users. Working parents are also being listened to, if not by their children, then at least by Siri. This MetaFAQs report profiles active users of Apple Siri or who have HomePods by a range of distinctive characteristics: age group, employment status, life stage, technology ecosystems, and others.
Profile of Americans expecting to be working from home in one year
The COVID pandemic continues to change many lives, including those working from home as never before. As employers are adapting to shifting conditions, some have brought employees back to the workplace while others are still adapting. This MetaFAQs reports on the expectations by employees about whether or not they expect to be working from home in one year. The brief report is based on 2,681 employed Americans who are currently working from home at least occasionally, profiling them by their age and gender, employment status, educational attainment, and other characteristics.
Profile of Americans using Samsung computers
Samsung is a leading manufacturer of various products, from smartphones and computer displays to kitchen appliances. Its personal computers have not earned widespread market acceptance among American adults, with its share of the active installed base at five percent. Male Americans aged 35 to 44 are one of Samsung’s most vital demographic groups.
This MetaFAQs profiles current American Samsung computer users by age group, age within gender, employment status, life stage, and mix of technology ecosystems.
Profile of Americans using Windows PCs
Most online Americans use a Windows PC, although currently reaching 59% is not the same as being at everyone’s fingertips. Slightly older American adults are using Windows PCs, with market penetration somewhat higher among men than women.
This MetaFAQs details two characteristics that separate Windows PC users from the general online adult public – age within gender and the number of home PCs in active use. It also details the declining usage of Windows PCs between 2018 and 2021 by employment status and age group segments, contrasting it with the progress of Apple computers and Chromebooks.
Profile of Americans using HP computers
21% of all online American adults regularly use an HP computer. Although not dominating the market, HP computer customers still make a significant dent in the industry. The average age of American HP computer users skews toward older men.
This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online Americans who regularly use an HP PC by age group, age and gender, employment status, life stage, and technology ecosystem.
Key devices used by seniors 60+
Online seniors 60 and older are more active than may be expected, with nearly as high device penetration rates as online adults aged 18 to 59. This MetaFAQs reports on the percent of online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan that are using key connected devices – PCs, smartphones, and tablets – in total and split out by major technology ecosystems.