The COVID pandemic continues to change many lives, including those working from home as never before. As employers are adapting to shifting conditions, some have brought employees back to the workplace while others are still adapting. This MetaFAQs reports on the expectations by employees about whether or not they expect to be working from home in one year. The brief report is based on 2,681 employed Americans who are currently working from home at least occasionally, profiling them by their age and gender, employment status, educational attainment, and other characteristics.
Profile of American VR Headset users
So far, virtual reality has been a dream, only being actively used by a small number of creative and fun-loving pioneers. Within the TUP 2021 survey, MetaFacts identified 358 respondents that report regularly wearing VR headsets.
This MetaFAQs report details their game-playing activities, including which devices they regularly use, along with their demographic and technological profile.
Profile of American immersive/video game-players
Playing games is more than a casual pastime for many, especially those who play immersive & video games. This MetaFAQs reports on the number of Americans who regularly use any of their connected devices to play immersive/video games – game consoles, smartphones, computers, tablets, or more than one. The report profiles respondents by age, gender, life stage, and other characteristics. Further, it reports on the other unique activities and consumer electronics this fun-loving group enjoys, including VR headsets and home projectors.
Active game-players by platforms
Game consoles get most of the attention in the gaming market. Many more online adults actively play immersive or other games using their connected devices – smartphones, tablets, or computers – than use game consoles. Outside of the US, Windows PCs outnumber smartphones as the game-playing platform of choice, especially in Germany and Japan. This TUP analysis reports on the number of online adults actively playing immersive or other games by platform type and country.
Profile of American Microsoft game console users
Truly active gamers love their game consoles, including Microsoft’s Xbox. However, that love is not exclusive since a fifth of Microsoft’s game console users also use a Nintendo, and a fifth uses a Sony game console. Microsoft has only reached 14% of all online Americans, primarily among younger males. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Microsoft game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, and mix of technology ecosystems. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet.
Profile of American Nintendo game console users
While 19% of all online Americans use any Nintendo game console, penetration is highest among the youngest male and female adults. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Nintendo game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, and life stage. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet. Also, it reports on the competitive mix, with the percentage of American Nintendo game console users using Sony and Microsoft game consoles.
American game players and their technology
Playing games with connected devices is widespread among American adults, while only a subset use game-focused equipment such as gaming PCs, gaming consoles, or VR headsets. This TUPdate reports on the share of adults regularly playing immersive/video or other games using their smartphones, PCs, or tablets, comparing them to the adoption rates of game-focused equipment.
Profile of American Sony game console users
Nearly a quarter of online Americans use a Sony game console, a higher penetration rate than competitors. Usage is most substantial among the youngish males, dropping off steeply above age 44. This MetaFAQs report profiles American Sony game console users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group, gender, age within gender, employment status, presence of children, household size, and life stage. Further, it details the percentage who use a VR headset and those who play games with a smartphone, PC, gaming PC, or tablet. It reports on American Sony game console users’ competitive position by those who additionally use Nintendo and Microsoft game consoles.
Mobile Phones TUP Lens
Smartphones have rapidly, although not completely, replaced feature phones. Smartphone users have expanded their range of activities with new uses while also increasingly migrating activities from computers and tablets. This TUP Highlights Report profiles smartphones – their market penetration, user demographic profile, regular activities, usage profile, key competitors, and purchase plans.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: penetration of smartphones versus feature phones, smartphone brand share, top activities for smartphones, smartphone carrier share, smartphone usage profile, trends in technology ecosystems, major activities for a market segment, and the profile of smartphone users.
Virtual reality headset use among socioeconomic groups
VR headsets have received recent attention again after more than a decade of on-again/off-again experimentation with limited market acceptance. While the overall penetration rate of actively-used VR headsets has reached 5% for the first time in 2021, usage rates vary considerably across socioeconomic groups. Having the means to acquire all that’s needed to fully enjoy VR headsets isn’t the only factor affecting adoption as even some upper-income groups are only nominally further ahead than other less advantaged groups. The groups being reported consider age group, employment status, household size, ethnicity, presence of children, educational attainment, and other socioeconomic factors.