Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 18, 2020
During the pandemic and with many employees working from home, much of communicating with coworkers and managers has shifted online. Employees have many options and are using most of them.
During the pandemic and with many employees working from home, much of communicating with coworkers and managers has shifted online. Employees have many options and are using most of them.
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 2, 2020 Do different age groups play favorites when it comes to game consoles? Do any brands stand out as being used more often by some age groups than others? This MetaFAQs answers these questions based on results from the 12,516 online adults responding to the MetaFacts TUP/Technology User…
Meetings! They don’t stop because of video conferencing, video calls, or group chats. This MetaFAQs details the share of employees that regularly connect online using any of their smartphones, PCs, tablets, or even game consoles. The results are split out by employer size to show whether there is a difference between smaller or larger employers.
How do employees communicate for work-related matters? Do they make video calls or group video conferences, such as those over Zoom or Webex? Is there a difference for employees of smaller as compared to larger organizations? This MetaFAQs reports on how many online employees communicate for work by type, country, and employer organization size.
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 27, 2020 Which brand of game console is used by the most online adults in each country? This MetaFAQs answers that question, reporting on the market penetration of Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft game consoles. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology users. The research results…
In response to the pandemic, many online employees began to work at home either occasionally or all the time. One way to collaborate and stay in touch with coworkers and managers is through group chat/discussion apps and platforms. This MetaFAQs details the rapid change between 2019 and 2020 using these communication activities by online employees, including results from the US and Germany.
Notebook Penetration – Now in the Middle of Mobility Notebooks have continued their long march into widespread use, fueled by the desire to get things done regardless of location. The years-long drive towards mobility continues. However, users have shown that notebooks are not their only choice to support their mobility fix. Even while notebooks have…
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, October 25, 2020 Chromebooks have been offered as a low-cost alternative to full-featured Windows and Apple notebooks. One often-cited segment includes students and their parents. This MetaFAQs looks into the active installed base of Chromebooks among parents in the US, the UK, Germany, Japan, and China. The COVID-19 pandemic and…
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 15, 2020 Progress toward work-life separation, until sudden integration I will admit to having recently used more than one cliché about these being “unprecedented times” or even that we’re headed towards a “new normal”. When it comes to work-life balance, what was “normal” is all-too “precedented”. For years, PCs…
Ageism is widespread in the tech industry. Many younger computer experts had a good laugh when a recent call went out for COBOL programmers, piling snark on classic tools as passe. That was until these relative newbies realized how many citizens would be left waiting for financial support after the recent surge in demand for unemployment checks. Younger computer experts were even more chagrined when they heard about the hiring bonuses being offered and realized they did not have relevant skills.