Demographics profile of smartphone users [MetaFAQs]

While smartphone adoption has grown to dominance, market penetration has not been equal across all demographic groups. This MetaFAQs reports on the penetration of active smartphone use by employment status, age group, and work-from-home status for the US and globally (US, Germany, UK, Japan, China-upper-educated).

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Smartphones evolve into primacy [TUPdate]

Smartphones are above the 50% mark for nearly every type of activity and for being used for the most activities within that type. Worldwide, over half of users mostly use a smartphone for communications, social networking, shopping, and graphics/imaging. PCs still form a primary platform for many shopping activities.

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Usage hours rise and subside slightly [MetaFAQs]

Globally, smartphone hours increased in 2020 and returned to prior levels in 2021. In the US, average weekly hours subsided with PCs while slightly increasing with smartphones and tablets.

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Purchase Plans-Hints from the upcoming TUP 2021 results

In these extraordinary times of change, we have released a small number of top-line observations based on preliminary results from TUP 2021 findings. This MetaFAQs includes observations of purchase plans based on preliminary results from TUP 2021, based on over 7,500 American respondents, of which almost 5,000 respondents have any purchase plans for PCs, smartphones, tablets, printers, or wearables. (The final results will be much larger in scope–based on results from over 13,500 respondents in the US, UK, Germany, Japan, and China.) Planners of note include Americans working from home and Americans planning to purchase a tablet or wearables.

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It’s a multi-ecosystem world [TUPdate]

How loyal are customers to their operating systems?
This TUPdate reports on market penetration status of broad technology ecosystems—that is, how loyal (or not) customers are when it comes to their operating system. In this analysis, MetaFacts measures the market’s adoption of the three prominent operating system families: Microsoft Windows, Google Android/Chrome OS, and Apple iOS/iPadOS/MacOS.

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Highlights: Printers

Who’s printing—and what are they printing? TUP Highlights include a broad and deep dive into an essential technology usage topic.
This highlights report focuses on printers, including: top printer brands, purchase plans for printers, top printing activities, profile of intensive printer users, ink use, trends in printing, major activities for a market segment, top printer form factors, and profile of printer user by activity. The research results showcase the TUP/Technology User Profile study, MetaFacts’ survey of a representative sample of online adults profiling the full market’s use of technology products and services during the wave of TUP/Technology User Profile 2021, which is TUP’s 39th annual. TUP Highlights typically also include results from previous waves of TUP.

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