Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, February 23, 2020 Samsung has a strong number-two market position in the US, especially with smartphones, and has a distinctive customer profile from market leader Apple. This is based on our MetaFacts TUP/Technology User Profile 2019 survey and prior waves. Samsung for the not-so-young Samsung’s penetration is strongest among age…
Generational wealth – in tech devices [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, January 24, 2020 Millennials may be getting bad press for lagging in real estate and financial investments, but they’re well invested in tech devices. Millennials use the largest number of connected devices per capita, including more than the next-younger generation – GenZ. PCs are the major device for all generations,…
Alone Americans – overlooked technology users? [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, June 21, 2019 Sometimes the slow-moving trends are the ones that get missed. Coupled with preconceived notions, these have the makings of blind spots. For many tech companies, single-person American households may be an overlooked market segment. Based on research by the U.S. Census and our TUP/Technology User Profile service,…
The persistent PC – with a perennial core [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, June 7, 2019 Americans continue to hang on to PCs as they expand their collection of actively connected devices. Instead of Tablets and Smartphones fully replacing PCs, they have added to the mix. Even so, the most-dedicated core of PC has settled to a stable size following the shift. This…
Apple, Google, Microsoft – paths of expansion and contraction [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 8, 2020 There are many ways to serve technology users, and each family of operating systems – Apple’s, Google’s, and Microsoft – have expanded in different ways. While Windows-driven products are being actively used by nearly three-fourths (73%) of U.S. online adults, Apple macOS and iOS devices and Google…
Who are the tablet-first pioneers? [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 2, 2019 Will tablets go mainstream, so much so that they’re the first device consumers reach for? A persistent yet small group of Americans use their tablet more than a smartphone or PC. Are the rest missing something? Might this edge group grow? The size of the tablet-first segment…
How central and vital are home PCs? [TUPdate]
Home PCs users are very active, yet they don’t only stay at home on their computers. They use a wide variety of other connected devices. The majority of home PC users (82% to 95%) also use a mobile phone. Of these, smartphones dominate. It may some surprise those steeped in technology that basic cell phones/feature…
Which activities span many devices? [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 22, 2019
So many of us have done it – started doing with our smartphone or tablet what we only formerly did with our PC. Are some activities so addictive or prevalent that people do them across their many devices? Based on our latest research, the answer is yes, and especially so for certain activities.
Working women worldwide have broad technology usage [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 8, 2019 Women in nearly every employment role are using a broad mix of technology devices, from PCs to Smartphones, Printers, and Tablets. The strongest users of connected devices are among women employed in marketing, information technology, and finance or accounting roles. This is based on the results of…
American screen time remains thirteen trillion hours [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, January 18, 2019
American adults are using their connected devices as much as ever, in 2018 totaling 13 trillion hours per week with their Smartphones, PCs, Tablets, and Game Consoles. This is slightly lower than the 13.3 trillion-hour level in 2017.
This is based on the 36th wave of Technology User Profile – TUP 2018. This analysis is based on 7,886 U.S. survey respondents, 7,521 respondents in TUP 2017, and 7,336 in TUP 2016.
Total screen time stabilizes
There has been growing media awareness and reporting about adverse social and health effects from the over-use of technology devices. These concerns have sparked the development of apps and settings to help monitor and manage screen time. Meanwhile, Americans, and indeed also adults around the world, continue to find useful and entertaining ways to integrate actively connected devices into their lives.