Profile of American gaming desktop PC users

Having fun and winning is essential to many Americans, and some buy specialized desktop PCs designed for optimal performance and upgradeability. This MetaFAQs profiles the small, hardy group of intensive mobile gamers, the 8% of online Americans actively using gaming desktops, detailing the critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, household size, number of home PCs used, and mix of technology ecosystems.

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Profile of Americans writing/managing text/notes/documents

Text messaging, emailing, and using platforms like Slack and Teams have grown as a substitute for preparing finished documents. Almost half of online Americans regularly use their connected devices to write and manage documents. This MetaFAQs profiles these writers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, number of PCs used, employer-provided PC, and mix of technology ecosystems.

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How Americans use devices in technology ecosystems

Technology ecosystems can be called truly unique when users actively use them differently than others. This TUP analysis reviews the activities American adults regularly do with their smartphones, computers, and tablets. It reports on the top 10 activities that are the most unique by ecosystem family – Windows, MacOS, ChromeOS; iOS and Android; and iPadOS and Android. Unique activities are defined as those with the widest range of use, where the difference is widest between the usage percentage between each given operating system family.

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Profile of Americans who print more than 100 pages per month

In an increasingly digital age, printing is still necessary for some. And sometimes on a large scale. 15% of all online American adults report using a computer printer to print 100 or more pages per month.

This MetaFAQs reports on those American adults in 2021 who print more than 100 pages a month by age group, age and gender, employment status, life stage, number of home PCs, and technology ecosystem entrenchment.

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Activities for PCs versus smartphones

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, September 13, 2021

Which device gets chosen for which activities?

Continue reading “Activities for PCs versus smartphones”
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Smartphones evolve into primacy [TUPdate]

Smartphones are above the 50% mark for nearly every type of activity and for being used for the most activities within that type. Worldwide, over half of users mostly use a smartphone for communications, social networking, shopping, and graphics/imaging. PCs still form a primary platform for many shopping activities.

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Highlights: Printers

Who’s printing—and what are they printing? TUP Highlights include a broad and deep dive into an essential technology usage topic.
This highlights report focuses on printers, including: top printer brands, purchase plans for printers, top printing activities, profile of intensive printer users, ink use, trends in printing, major activities for a market segment, top printer form factors, and profile of printer user by activity. The research results showcase the TUP/Technology User Profile study, MetaFacts’ survey of a representative sample of online adults profiling the full market’s use of technology products and services during the wave of TUP/Technology User Profile 2021, which is TUP’s 39th annual. TUP Highlights typically also include results from previous waves of TUP.

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Smartphones primary device for many but not all activities [MetaFAQs]

What do users reach for – their PCs or smartphones? This MetaFAQ answers that for detailed types of activities across six countries.

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Contact management is a widespread activity for all ages [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 25, 2020 How many online adults regularly manage the contact information in their connected devices? Is this being actively done by younger or older adults? This MetaFAQs looks into the active use of managing contacts by age group and country. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions…

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