Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 10, 2020 How enthusiastic or forward-looking are users about getting a new notebook? Are purchase plans any stronger among Windows notebook users than Apple MacBook users? Or, is it the other way around? This MetaFAQs compares notebook purchase intentions among current users or Windows notebooks and Apple MacBooks. Demand…
Apple MacBooks and Windows notebooks used differently by Americans [MetaFAQs]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 9, 2020 Are notebooks really that different from each other? Do users use a Windows notebook differently than users of Apple MacBook? This MetaFAQs looks at the regular activities being done with both types to address this question. About MetaFAQs MetaFAQs are answers to frequently asked questions about technology…
Home notebooks – stuck at home and getting things done [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, October 2, 2020
Home mobile notebooks are popular for keeping at home
Mobile computing means much more than being able to work or play while traveling. Despite travel restrictions and worldwide stay-at-home orders during the pandemic, mobile computers reign as the most popular home computer. Well over half (57%) of online adults use a home notebook, compared to 46% using at least one home desktop. MetaFacts surveyed online adults in six countries for the 2020 wave of TUP/Technology User Profile: the US, UK, Germany, China, Japan, and India. Notebook use is strongest in Japan (72% of online adults) and Germany (67%), and the lightest in the US (50%).
Home PC trends – highlights from TUP/Technology User Profile 2019 – US [Highlights]
Home PCs are very much alive and being well-used. Home PC usage rates are stable, both in overall penetration and in the number being used. Nearly all online American adults regularly use a home PC, yet they see them differently. Younger Americans see them as adding to their entertainment, while for older adults it helps…
Home PC penetration update [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, January 2, 2020
Home PC penetration is stable
Home PCs continue to be a feature of online Americans. Four out of five online American adults regularly use a home PC, and this share has remained unchanged from 2015 through 2019. This is based on results from the 2015 through 2019 waves of TUP/Technology User Profile.
Multi OS jugglers – finger foibles [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 30, 2019 Finger foibles? Muscle memory? Most of us have done it – found our fingers fumbling for a key that isn’t on this keyboard, tapping a screen that’s not touch-sensitive, or expecting some function that’s not available on the device we’re using. Juggling devices across multiple operating system…
Apple, Google, Microsoft – paths of expansion and contraction [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, May 8, 2020 There are many ways to serve technology users, and each family of operating systems – Apple’s, Google’s, and Microsoft – have expanded in different ways. While Windows-driven products are being actively used by nearly three-fourths (73%) of U.S. online adults, Apple macOS and iOS devices and Google…
How central and vital are home PCs? [TUPdate]
Home PCs users are very active, yet they don’t only stay at home on their computers. They use a wide variety of other connected devices. The majority of home PC users (82% to 95%) also use a mobile phone. Of these, smartphones dominate. It may some surprise those steeped in technology that basic cell phones/feature…
How new are home notebooks? [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, December 13, 2018
Home consumers are moving to newer Notebook PCs, although in some countries, older ones get used longer. Getting optimum value from one’s technology investment is a laudable goal, although at odds with having the latest and greatest.
Apple & Samsung lead in multi-device loyalty [TUPdate]
Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, November 29, 2018
Apple and Samsung have the highest share of their users actively using two or more of their devices.
This is based on the MetaFacts TUP/Technology User Profile 2018 survey results. Among online adults in the US, more of Apple’s and Samsung’s users have two or more of the brand’s devices than only use one of their devices.