Usage hours rise and subside slightly [MetaFAQs]

Globally, smartphone hours increased in 2020 and returned to prior levels in 2021. In the US, average weekly hours subsided with PCs while slightly increasing with smartphones and tablets.

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Lawyer Cat and Windows 11 – home PC demand to rise [TUPdate]

What do the “Lawyer Cat” meme and Windows 11 have in common? They both require a tech upgrade. The not so tech-savvy lawyer who accidentally made his face into a cat avatar during an online meeting due to his older PC and lack of tech knowledge could be one of many who need an upgrade. Windows 11 is likely to need users to have newer home PCs than what they’re actively using today. This TUPdate reports on the age, household size, usage, and employment roles of online adults using older home PCs.

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Low scores – the decline of game-playing by Americans [MetaFAQs]

Americans use various connected devices to play games—but not as much as they used to. Since 2016, fewer Americans regularly play an immersive or other game with each passing year.
This MetaFAQs reports the trend in active use by online Americans by platform – game consoles, smartphones, PCs, and tablets – from 2016 through 2020. The research results showcase the TUP/Technology User Profile study, MetaFacts’ survey of a representative sample of online American adults profiling the full market’s use of technology products and services. The current wave of TUP is TUP/Technology User Profile 2020, which is TUP’s 38th annual.

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Preferences for tablet or home PC for activities [MetaFAQs]

How differently are tablets and home PCs being used? Among users with both tablets and home PCs, which activities are being used on both? Which activities are more unique to home PCs and which with tablets?
This MetaFAQs details the activities in common between home PC-centric, and tablet-centric users in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan in 2020. Activities measured include internet and email use, document storage, videos/movies, ad-blocking software, finance, collaboration, presentations, reading books, and taking pictures.

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Broad creativity with tablets [MetaFAQs]

Much marketing surrounding tablets has focused on the creative capabilities of these devices. This MetaFAQs considers: Are many tablets being used for creativity-supporting activities? Is there a standout creative activity used most often with tablets? This MetaFAQs details the percentage of adults in 2020 using tablets for a range of creative activities (personal creativity, video creation, graphics/presentations, and creative software use) in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan.

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Tablets used for educational activities [MetaFAQs]

How prevalent are educational activities with tablets? Are more adults’ tablets being used for educational activities for adults or for children?
This MetaFAQs details the percentage of online adults in 2020 who report using their tablets for adults’ and/or children’s educational activities in the US, UK, Germany, and Japan.

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Children’s schoolwork by device type-American adults with kids 6-17 by adult’s gender [MetaFAQs]

Dan Ness, Principal Analyst, MetaFacts, March 24, 2021

There are many ways for school-age children to get help with their schoolwork. This MetaFAQs looks at the connected devices that adults regularly use to help – PCs, smartphones, or tablets.

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