Highlights: Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing

Playing games is a widespread pastime about much more than game consoles. Although game console users are numerous and active, many adults play immersive and other games using their smartphones, computers, and tablets. VR headsets are also starting to make a dent in the market, beginning with the most active gamers who aren’t necessarily the youngest adults.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: the profile of gaming wearables users, top platforms for game-playing, the profile of game-players, the profile of gaming PC users, the profile of game console users, and the profile of smartphone game-players.

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Communication TUP Lens Highlights

During the pandemic, employees suddenly working from home accelerated their use of videoconferencing, home computers, and other connected devices. Similarly, those not employed outside the home sought ways to stay connected with others or help their students continue their education. Communication activities ranging from videoconferencing to video calls, email, group chats, and text messaging are at the heart of these connections. Market adoption has not been assured nor evenly distributed, as only some segments adopted behaviors they continued. Meanwhile, other segments dallied with new communication methods and then returned to their old ways.
This TUP Highlights report includes the following sections: communication activities by device type, communication activities among those working from home, devices used for work-related communication, and top communication activities.

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Profile of Americans actively using a Google assistant or Google-brand speakers

Google aims to be ubiquitous and have competitive offerings to Apple, Amazon, and others. As a class, voice assistants and speakers have expanded in use by fits and starts. Only one in four Americans use a Google voice assistant or Google-brand speaker. This MetaFAQs profiles these active voice users by their age, age within gender, employment status, presence of children, life stage, number of computers used, and mix of technology ecosystems.

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Profile of Americans actively using Amazon Alexa or Echo speakers

Making it easy to buy products goes well beyond Amazon’s 1-click online screens – with Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant. Amazon offers its voice assistant and smart speaker competitors to Apple, Google, and others. Only one in five American adults regularly use Amazon Alexa or an Amazon-branded smart speaker. This MetaFAQs profiles American active Amazon Alexa & Echo smart speaker users by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, presence of children, life stage, number of PCs used, and mix of technology ecosystems.

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Profile of Americans writing/managing text/notes/documents

Text messaging, emailing, and using platforms like Slack and Teams have grown as a substitute for preparing finished documents. Almost half of online Americans regularly use their connected devices to write and manage documents. This MetaFAQs profiles these writers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, number of PCs used, employer-provided PC, and mix of technology ecosystems.

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