Windows, Apple, and Google (Android, Chromebook) are each stronger or weaker by form factor and country. This MetaFAQs reports on the share of each OS ecosystem by country and within the US, by age group.
Profile of home PC users by brand
The major PC makers have attracted very different sets of customers, with some brands being used primarily by younger people and others more like someone’s father’s brand. This MetaFAQs report profiles the users of home PCs by brand and age group, showing the percentage of users in the US as well as collectively across the US, UK, Germany, and Japan.
Key ecosystems penetration [MetaFAQs]
The market penetration of Windows OS, Apple OS, and Google OS devices varies considerably by country. This MetaFAQs reports on each OS ecosystem’s active market penetration and splits out American users by age group.
Smartwatch purchase plans
Among online Americans, purchase intentions for Apple Watches outpace those for Android Smartwatches.
For most, PCs are first for connecting
Worldwide, smartphones have grown to be the primary device used the most by nearly half of online adults. Among American adults, PC usage continues to lead, although the gap has narrowed.
iPhone and Android smartphone purchase plans [TUPdate]
Fifty percent more online Americans plan to buy an iPhone than an Android smartphone.
Profile of Apple’s active base
Apple’s customers with many Apple OS devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs) have a higher than average socioeconomic profile and use of connected devices.
Students and their technology
College students are visible users of technology devices. During the pandemic, their collection of actively used devices has shifted slightly. Worldwide, Windows PCs are the leading device followed by iPhones, which are reaching more students. Among Americans, Apple OS devices top the list, partly due to broader iPhone penetration.
Shifts in Apple and Windows penetration among Americans [MetaFAQs]
Apple’s PC/Mac penetration has grown while Windows has shrunk. Globally, iPhone penetration has grown as Androids have subsided – both have been stable among online Americans. Globally, iPad penetration has withdrawn as have non-Apple tablets.
It’s a multi-ecosystem world [TUPdate]
How loyal are customers to their operating systems?
This TUPdate reports on market penetration status of broad technology ecosystems—that is, how loyal (or not) customers are when it comes to their operating system. In this analysis, MetaFacts measures the market’s adoption of the three prominent operating system families: Microsoft Windows, Google Android/Chrome OS, and Apple iOS/iPadOS/MacOS.