Facebook is the legacy service of the Meta family. With a nearly two-thirds penetration rate, Facebook mirrors the American online population in many respects except two. Middle-aged and older female homemakers have the highest penetration rates. This MetaFAQs report briefly profiles American Facebook users by two vital demographic factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, and employment status.
Profile of American iPhone users
Apple iPhones have reached nearly every type of online American, although gaps and skews persist. Younger adult students and employees have the highest penetration rates. This MetaFAQs report profiles American iPhone users by four critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group, employment status, life stage, and mix of technology ecosystems.
Used and refurbished smartphones among disadvantaged and advantaged Americans
Are used/refurbished smartphones only for poorer people? This MetaFAQs report details the percentage of online Americans using a used/refurbished smartphone by socioeconomically advantaged/disadvantaged groups, each composed of household income, employment status, employment type, educational attainment, age group, ethnicity, household size, and other demographic characteristics.
Used and refurbished home PCs among disadvantaged and advantaged Americans
Are used/refurbished home PCs only for disadvantaged people? This MetaFAQs report details the percentage of online Americans using a used/refurbished home PC by socioeconomically advantaged/disadvantaged groups, each composed of household income, employment status, employment type, educational attainment, age group, ethnicity, household size, and other demographic characteristics.
Profile of Americans expecting to be working from home in one year
The COVID pandemic continues to change many lives, including those working from home as never before. As employers are adapting to shifting conditions, some have brought employees back to the workplace while others are still adapting. This MetaFAQs reports on the expectations by employees about whether or not they expect to be working from home in one year. The brief report is based on 2,681 employed Americans who are currently working from home at least occasionally, profiling them by their age and gender, employment status, educational attainment, and other characteristics.
Profile of Americans using ad blocking apps
Stop (or limit) the ads! So say nearly a third of Americans consistently since 2019. While advertising drives much of the Internet, a substantial number of online adults use ad-blocking apps on their computers, smartphones, or tablets. This MetaFAQs reports on the levels since 2019, on which platforms ad-blocking apps are being used and which market segments use the apps more or less than others. The segments span the vulnerable to the advantaged, and details differences by racial/ethnic groups, employment status, the mix of technology ecosystems in use, and other characteristics.
Active American social networkers by age
Facebook [Meta] has announced a move towards a metaverse. The current age profile of Facebook’s current active users is much older than most other leading networks. This TUP analysis profiles the age distribution of active users of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, these three netted together, SnapChat, Pinterest, and Nextdoor.
The decline of Meta among younger adults
Meta’s three main properties—Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp—have been waning in popularity from 2016 to 2021 among online adults. A major contributor to this is the younger generation, especially when it comes to use of Meta’s former namesake, Facebook.
This TUPdate reports on Meta’s active American users of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and any of the three (net) from 2016 to 2021. This report also considers younger online adults (aged 18-24) in the US and Germany.
Technology profile of currently unemployed Americans aged 18-49
The COVID pandemic made clear many socioeconomic inequities between Americans, as the impact of the virus was felt differently in great part depending on their educational attainment, occupation, employment status, and other factors.
This TUPdate focuses on one segment – currently unemployed Americans aged 18-49 – reporting their market size and profiling their usage of connected devices, which devices they do or don’t use, how much they use them, and the intensity of changes since before the pandemic.
Using tablets to play games
Although the pandemic increased tech use in many areas, tablet gameplay was not one of them. 2020 saw a steep drop in tablet gaming, with a slow resurgence in 2021—a stronger rebound among some groups more than others. This MetaFAQs profiles all online adults who use tablets to play games. This analysis considers online tablet game players by life stage with a look at tablet users in the United States and globally. Report [TUP_doc_2022_0127_tabl] in TUP Lenses: Tablets; Activities; User Profile; Game Consoles, Gaming PCs, and Game-Playing.