Facebook is the legacy service of the Meta family. With a nearly two-thirds penetration rate, Facebook mirrors the American online population in many respects except two. Middle-aged and older female homemakers have the highest penetration rates. This MetaFAQs report briefly profiles American Facebook users by two vital demographic factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, and employment status.
Profile of Americans writing/managing text/notes/documents
Text messaging, emailing, and using platforms like Slack and Teams have grown as a substitute for preparing finished documents. Almost half of online Americans regularly use their connected devices to write and manage documents. This MetaFAQs profiles these writers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group and age within gender, employment status, number of PCs used, employer-provided PC, and mix of technology ecosystems.
Profile of Americans who use a Canon home printer
With the onset of the pandemic, having a well-appointed home office became important both for employees working from home and parents of school-aged children. Canon home printers are being used by 15% of online Americans. This MetaFAQs profiles users of Canon home printers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: employment status, life stage, and the number of home PCs used.
Profile of Americans using Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp
Meta engages nearly three-fourths of online Americans with its Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp platform. This MetaFAQs profiles American users of any of the three, Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age, age within gender, employment status, household size, life stage, number of home PCs used, and mix of technology ecosystems.
Trends in voice assistant usage
Voices have the promise to enable a keyboard-free digital experience, and yet regular usage has not reached even half of the population. This MetaFAQs reports on the percentage of online adults in the US, Germany, UK, and Japan that regularly use a voice assistant or smart speaker.
Profile of Americans who use an Epson home printer
After the emergence of COVID, many people suddenly needed to outfit their homes with technology such as they would use in their workplace or school. Their home technology often included a home printer. Epson home printers are being used by 8% of online Americans. This MetaFAQs profiles users of Epson home printers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: employment status, life stage, and the number of home PCs used.
Profile of American iPhone users
Apple iPhones have reached nearly every type of online American, although gaps and skews persist. Younger adult students and employees have the highest penetration rates. This MetaFAQs report profiles American iPhone users by four critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age group, employment status, life stage, and mix of technology ecosystems.
Profile of Americans who use a Brother home printer
Americans working from home or having school kids at home often benefit from having a home printer. Brother home printers are being used by 9% of online Americans. This MetaFAQs profiles users of Brother home printers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: employment status, life stage, and the number of home PCs used.
Used and refurbished smartphones among disadvantaged and advantaged Americans
Are used/refurbished smartphones only for poorer people? This MetaFAQs report details the percentage of online Americans using a used/refurbished smartphone by socioeconomically advantaged/disadvantaged groups, each composed of household income, employment status, employment type, educational attainment, age group, ethnicity, household size, and other demographic characteristics.
Profile of Americans who use an HP home printer
HP has the preeminent market position in home printers. HP home printers are being used by 27% of online Americans. This MetaFAQs profiles users of HP home printers by several critical demographic and behavioral factors distinctive from the average American online adult: age, age within gender, employment status, and life stage.